2020 IMT Discussion

Yes of course. No one can revoke a vacation except the Governor himself. Was not my point

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Didn’t realize that, thanks. :facepunch: They’re back at it at Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Butte.


It’s been this way for 5+ years. What I always say when this topic gets brought up is that the “public” gets to benefit from a tool that is in place for the incident, not for us. We have access by the simple nature the incident needs an efficient data distribution system accessible by every resource on an incident. If the incident had other more efficient means of distributing something, it wouldn’t be on the server. Putting passwords in between that data and the resources would “technically” protect the data, but then how do you get the password to those resources? It kills the efficiency piece, and adds to the complexity of starting a shift, and potential safety issue of not having latest intel on the line. The password spreads faster than the fire (it has to, in order to work), so what good does it do anyway? It’s a best effort at best.

Some argue “but it says right there it’s for public access etc etc.” I say that verbiage is to remind them that we exist and not to put confidential info up.

In short, we are a guest on their system. It’s there for the incident first.


Agreed. I’m lucky to know people within family and friends who share the info with me so that I can keep my immediate family “in the know” along with friends locally. I don’t reveal anything critical but keep “map themes” going.


-Frank C.

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