You’d be surprised
Wind isn’t always consistent, and fire follows the fuel when the wind slows/stops.
Water is stored in tanks and pumped from down below. No power for pumps? If so; no water supply either.
I would say the opposite. Having the first full off duty recall in the last two decades. Their dispatch letting 911 callers there are no available resources to respond to 911 callls. They are broken and the other counties rvc and bdu haven’t sent a single resource.
BDU only has 2 contract cities with a total of 6 type 1 engines, they are dealing with their own winds and have still have to cover their stations. They probably already sent a type 3 strike out of the unit, RVC will probably send what they can as they are also dealing with the winds in their backyard. They can’t just arbitrarily send out resources it has to be requested and filled with what can be sent and still cover their mission .
San Diego, Riverside, Orange and San Bernardino Counties wont drawn down, for obvious reasons
I’m saying the counties as a whole. Sorry didn’t mean bdu unit. Nonetheless. The staffing for la county and especially LA city is subpar at best.
I suspect the 101 and the 5 and the 99 will see central and Northern California (maybe some Oregon too) strike teams and task forces heading south code 3 all night
Edit: hell, newso, should probably activate the national guard too,
Priority traffic…civilian male victim severely burned just found along the roadside at 20140 PCH
Staffing issues is a topic for another time. Let’s move on and stay on topic with the fire intel, please
XSC-2301 Alpha in route from Santa Clara - PAF E65, SNC E97, CNT E77, GIL E47, MLP E87
They could be. Let’s keep speculation to a minimum though.
But if you see something, say something.
What does this mean
69 Bravo feed getting impressive, lots of fire coming into the PCH and East Malibu
I’m sure a lot of Alphas from the Bay Area north will go.
Santa Clara County mix agency strike team
That CNT 77. Not SCC. SCC is South Santa Clara County Fire Protection District.