
Fire started and is a LFD incident. Was no threat to SRA or FRA
Fast forward to now and there are pending orders for 1 AA, 2 AT, 1 Type 1 Helicopter and the IR SHIP


Awesome. By the looks of this thing, it could use more than 2 tankers. Let’s see what the Air Attack orders when he arrives…


It sure does, it’s pushing hard up canyon. It will be interesting to see when the marine layer rolls in. The conditions may not be favorable for Tankers.


Not to get off topic, but looking at the cams there are a consistent amount of people hanging out on the switchbacks and watching this thing. Wish they would GTFO so the firefighters won’t have to be detoured to assist them… :angry:


I was wondering if anyone could help. I have a friend that lives just west of Highway 27 on the south side of Topanga. It looks like it’s burning north and parallel to the highway with the onshore winds. She and her husband are preparing to evacuate just in case. How much of a threat to that area?

From what I see it is, but not big with the forecasted weather. I’m glad they’re playing it safe though. Any thoughts? Thanks.

@ajohansson, your data confirms what I saw on the time lapse video - this afternoon’s fire clearly started well outside the perimeter of the original incident. It only took a few minutes and it was off to the races.


We have been under a the marine influence every day. The clouds are keeping the AT 's below 5000 ft. The clouds will thicken in an hour or so with drizzle then clear out in the late morning tomorrow.

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Agree. AA just advised that while still in the fight…will soon be hindered by marine layer coming in.


AA states visibility is poor enough that he can’t do much good.

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Structure threat within 1 hour along Topanga Cyn. Rd.


View from Calabasas and the 101 freeway


I believe LASD is looking for an arson suspect. The run today looks too far from the original fire and given the activity of the original fire at the time it ran it looks like a separate start to me. Obviously, im not there though. This is a assessment from video footage


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The area where the fire is burning is a powder keg. It’s very lucky the Santa Ana’s aren’t blowing. A fire in this area under those conditions would be catastrophic. Very narrow roads, no safety zones, and very little to no brush clearing. Also lots and lots of homes.


Amazing to see humidity’s running from 75% in the valleys to 99% on the ridgelines and the fire is still putting out heat. One would think there might be drizzle in the area, but this fire is just waiting for the sun to shine a little bit so it can get up and run.


90% live fuel moisture in May at the coast. Your right wait till the 10 hour dead dries out today

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Pretty much tells you how this summer will be if heat is pushing through the ‘May grey’ on the coast with low live fuels.

Be safe


Not a very positive outlook when you look at how dry the brush fields are up and down the state. We are only in the middle of May…not good!


So LAFD seems like its “borrowing” aircraft from neighboring departments, they have OFCA, Ventura and LAC aircraft. Why don’t they order aircraft like a crane/Chinook through the normal channels? Watching the video, a large type 1 helicopter or 2 would make a big difference on this fire.

They are losing all the “borrowed” airships now back to their respective jurisdictions.


A skycrane would make a big difference, what’s flying now are doing a heck of a job but having trouble keeping it pinned down.