CA-MVU-Hope (Contained)

State ID: CA
3 letter designator: MVU
Fire name: Hope
Location: hope and main, Ramona
Reported acres: 5
Rate of spread: unk
Report on Conditions: Fire blew through the retardant that was put down at the head, asking for SO for evacs
Structure threat:Yes
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website:

See Woodson Cam:

IC stated the structure threat was still not mitigated.

Tankers are back on the ground released, making good progress from the smoke.

calling it 15 acres, forward rate of spread stopped, still stating the structure threat has not been mitigated.

edit, now calling it 20 acres.

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35 acres 35% contained

AA called it 20 acres. I drove by about an hour ago and I would very surprised if its 35. I think 20 might even be a tad high! But maybe everyone has the early season acre estimate blues!



I was going by what the IC was calling and posted by the PIO.

I just saw the tweet from the PIO saying 35. That kinda surprises me but I just drove by and didn’t walk it