“Basic firefighter training” as in the Cal Fire basic cert or without any fire experience?
When I started in 1979 it was basic firefighter cert. the 67 hour. The plan is that those who don’t have that they will get a 2 week class that is given to inmates when the go to the camp program. I have the draft but I can’t share that it’s not my place. The training will be the basics line cutting crew safety, shelters, etc. I don’t know the plans to give folks the engine training later or what.
Thanks for sharing the update. Have been told of a similar plan. The training Will be similar to what the inmates get(wildland specific) and not be the full
“Calfire basic”. Keep in mind of 2 things.
- Dept asked for 300 got 800. The reason for 300 vs 800 was as described, lack of safety gear in the units. Turnouts, SCBA masks cost thousands of dollars and take time to get. Their are just not sitting in a shelf somewhere.
- Not all SFT FF1 academy’s teach Calfire basic as part of the SFT curriculum they teach. Some teach a
“fed wildland” which gets a student ready to work for BLM/FS/NPS after passing the WCT(pack test).
Finally, I have been reminded of a term SEMPER GUMBY
Always flexible. We are in unpredictable & unprecedented times. Covid-19, New Normal fire behavior, pay cuts, massive retirements, expanded hiring/additional positions. All of this puts pressure on existing employees. Take care of each other, look out for each other, and supervisors train your people to the best of your ability. I have been told the following by a supervisor “My job is to train you as my replacement. You will prompt and replace me as I will promote and replace my supervisor”
C1613… No disrespect but just to clarify, where are you getting your info? You say things like 1/2 time and you got the 67hr in 1979 (which came much later. '79 would probably have been the 40hr or less).
Started in 79 and I have the Basic Forest Fire Course 40 Hour. I didn’t keep track but did the 67 came out in the 90’s ?
The 67 hour course came out in the mid 80’s ish time.
I think it’s 220ish hours now
So half time that’s what we called it when it started why we’ll you get base pay for 72 hours a week. You get time and half after 53 so you get payed 1/2 time after 53 hours until you hit the 72 hour mark. Any other work hours in that week would be true time and 1/2. Also I don’t know what the current hours you need to get your basic CDF Firefighter cert is. Thinking back mine might have been 40 hours. So where am I getting my info from ? I was in a room social distancing in Sacramento with about 15 other people meeting with the Cal Fire Director and both region Chiefs. I asked them questions, they gave me answers. I’m just trying to pass on information as best I was given. I don’t think it’s a secret who I am. Look me up.
Will the firefighters hired to work only on a crew be paid the same as FF1s currently on the floor? Even though they haven’t Put in the time, effort and money yet to acquire the education necessary to meet minimum? And, they don’t have the PPE to outfit them to take the same risk of exposures and injuries that those on an Engine do? Or is it a different job classification?
They will be FF1s paid the same. If they don’t have the CALFIRE Basic cert, they will not be able to work anywhere but the crew.
If they are getting hired as FF1 they will get paid the same salary plus or minus step raises there are a few different step raises they get as they get more Qualifying months under their belt.
The other issues are what work week ? The needed training. Why are fuels crews full time ? I think the Directors comment was we are looking into options maybe something like FfF2 or maybe a hybrid. The Department has all ready requested to have Captains payed 10% more like in the camp program. I think Management is going to try their best to do the right thing. I can assure you the 2881 President is all over this issue and is meeting frequently with the department. This is a win win win. For the Union, for the Department and for the citizens of California.
Running FREE people is not the same as running Felony incarcerated inmates. So why the 10%? I have ran both.
For those questioning the pay status or not being able to work engines without the basic class, its not that unheard of and the president has already been set years ago. When we hire open list captains from the feds and put them directly to the camp after their camp modules they are not allowed to work engines until after they finish basic, ffa, and Coa, which I know of one case where it took almost 3 years before he was sent to Ione for training, I worked with him and that is first hand knowledge.
As for the PPE, fire crews dont need structure gear or SCBA masks, if they dont have basic there is no need for them to have turnouts either. I wouldnt say that any overtime is being taken away from anyone as these are additional positions, and if they arent qualified to pick up the overtime then they wouldnt be entitled to it anyway, an example would be if my county added paramedics, I am not entitled to pick that overtime because I do not hold the proper qualifications, however a paramedic could pick up my days because they hold all the qualifications to work that shift.
The difference is that paramedics have there own classification, Crew FFs don’t. There would have to be a “meet and confer” and a side letter approved. Having “crew” only FFs and FF2s (perm & LT) would be a slick way to deep class the position. I would love that, its just too complicated to have it worked out by the rehire in 2 weeks.
The pay, is it for working with inmates? Span of control?
Either way, based on past practice, there is really no going back now. Those running CNA crews and CCC crews have been getting the bump for how many years now?
I worked at the People’s Camp Prado for 4 years in the early 90,s. I had so much fun should have given the state 10% back. Lots of fires, most crew projects were at the beach. If you run a tight crew no issues.
My CDF Basic Forest Firefighter cert from 1986 was 40 hours. I think the 67 hour came later.
Nice thing about Prado is when you had a roll up, Chino was right there.
It’s for both plus the ability to get work done. As with any crew rather it be free or inmates, if you can Motivate them, treat them like human beings, and try to take care of them. The majority will work for you.