CFAA Agreement

They might still be sleeping


True. That “fed only” PIO2 order keeps coming back unable to fill. Maybe they should try LG next time.


[quote=“milehighbar, post:1, topic:7166, full:true”]
Here we go again. Wonder when the Feds, usually non-fire Feds, iare going to get over the pay issue. It’s the cost of doing business in Cali. You don’t like it fill out your Fed teams with Feds. Oh that’s right.

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Is this old news? Just saw this today

Wow! That’s new, now if we can get confirmation from OES?

When will they pay last years 42’s

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The letter from OES came out yesterday. It essentially states they will follow the CFAA for the year, embed some administrative personnel in OES to review completeness of invoices to reduce the wait times for local agencies.

In terms of volunteer agencies, The Forest Service will continue to reimburse based on accrual accounting principles.

I unfortunately don’t have the ability to post the letter, but do verify it exists.

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Joint CFAA Letter July 16, 2019.pdf (651.4 KB)


Good to finally see something official on this. A major concern I see with this is that the R5 signature. The “CFO” of the USDA stated on the phone call in April that their Region Reps agreed to something that breaks a federal law. Would love to see the “CFO” signature on this.

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Hmmmm…Not hard to figure out why FS is upset, as should any tax payer when they see a special district funding their fire department via strike team money.


How many years and rewrites has the forest service had to work through these issues? Many agree we can have a better process going forward, however the 11th hour theatrics wasn’t the way to go.

No one forced the feds to sign anything of the past many years.


As tax payers we also have the right to be concerned that fires will not be properly managed do to lack of staffing. And as firefighters we have the right to be concerned that our mission is not being supported properly with those tax payer dollars. If our local agencies are not reimbursed for their activity on federal then our ability to perform our mission on a local level is hampered and it hurts the local tax payers.

Finally I have seen nothing in this conversation that attacks the Fed boots on the ground. I think at this point most of the LG and State guys coming up could give two …s what agency the guy next to them on the line is from.

Just my thoughts.


Bashing feds is not in anyone’s best interest. Communications and cooperation is what was lacking throughout this process. No one told any of the agencies to sign CFAA or else.

Many parts of this agreement can be improved on moving forward by all entities. However what is a given is that we need a CFAA.

Any criticism for any of the agencies was related to basically a government style shutdown of the CFAA agreement at the 11th hour.

If the agreed to payment process has things that need to be fixed, then get the key players in the room and fix it. Negotiate in good faith.


I don’t see any agency bashing here, the only thing going on here is calling a spade, a spade…the Feds have shirked their responsibility to address core issues for years, decades. True leadership in the USFS has been lacking for long time now. There is a complete disconnect across the whole agnecy between the decisions made at the regional/national level and the real-life effects that it has to the safety of both firefighters and the public. There’s a difference between speaking up when failures by the agency puts people’s lives in danger and outright agency bashing. In fact, this might just be the most civil Fed vs Cali discussion I have ever seen in my 20 years of lurking around fire forums. Brav-oh.

Certainly we as tax payers should be concerned. Lack of cooperation among agencies, lack of leadership/overhead, lack of staffing, lack of proper funding, no/poor communication…that’s how people die. Firefighters, and civilians. It happens over and over and over again and everyone wonders why. It’s because of deep, systematic failures that are the pink elephant in the room but no one is willing address…because it’s just too hard. People die when no one is willing to speak up.

This will get people killed. Good on milehighbar for keeping us all informed.


I’m discusted when I see anyone taking something from the public coffees for personal gain however, when a distribution is given within the previsions of an established agreement and that distribution is used to provide services for the public good, I say job well done! I have spent 30 years in CA working for volunteer, Fed, CA and LG organizations, (not in that order) during that time I have done everything in my power to equip, train and take care of my brothers regardless of our respective uniforms. I may have blured a few lines here and there however, if there is a provision in any agreement that can be used to help support the otherguy, it will always be used. My reasoning is simple, if whatever support provided makes that organization or resource more efficient or effective in doing their part, I’m providing a service to the end user. Regardless of how the $$$ are spent, if they are used to reduce the loss to life, property and environment, they are well spent!

As far as VFDs and LG being funded through CFAA, regardless of the agency ordering, we signed off on the agreement and we created the lack of accountability within our own agencies that produced the increased need for those services, those who saw the need and positioned themselves to provide that support, did what needed to be done to make the system work and take care of our organization, I say job well done! At the same time I say shame on the agencies: for allowing organizational accountability to erode, failing to recognize warning signs, and failing to effectively plan communicate and impliment timely change.

We did not inherit this life from our parents, we are barrowing it from our children. Until we learn to work together for the beterment of mankind we will perpetually fail. Everyone will have to give up something to make this work and the first things we must all give up is false pride and the notion that our negotiating power is tied to the amount of $$ we put in the pot. Had we not tried to buy our way out of our problems, we would not be in this mess to begine with!


Los Angeles Times: Trump administration backs off threat to audit California wildfire fighting agreement.

Now it’s time to sit down and work it all out for 2020.

Pay the full time LG guys what they cost. Feds need to understand it’s just the cost of doing business. LG folks are usually going to fed fires, so regardless of what is tweeted by____, feds need to clean up there own land management practices before coming after California.

Come up with an agreed to rate that works for all sides for volunteers.

Develop a pay system, for part time call when needed Highly experienced overhead. No, These people are not evil doers or leaches. They are highly experienced men and women responders who actually enjoy using the talents they have developed to support a national response need and earn a decent wage.

Supplemental or AD rates won’t cut it, however you can work up from there.


All players have to remember this one thing: the CFAA has to work for and be agreed upon by all agencies involved. Concessions will be made on all sides. The Federal Government (not talking about the Firefighters) has to remember this fact. No one is forcing them to be a participant in the CFAA.

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Don’t trust LA Times Fake News these same issues went on during Obama Presidency through the Forest Service finance.

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