Apologies Arep2. My bad. I thought you wrote Team 2. I don’t know the status of Team 1.
California Interagency Incident Management Team 4 in briefs tomorrow afternoon at the Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Supervisors Office. Unknown exact details of this mobilization.
Probably gonna split the Caldor, with the travel routes into the Tahoe basin being closed makes sense
Splitting it wouldn’t be a surprise given its size at this point. Also, if it gets into the Basin, which seems likely at this point, it almost becomes an incident within an incident. Significant fire in the Basin will be a huge media circus and have political ramifications all the way to D.C. Incident complexity will go off the charts.
IMT 4 may have issues getting to the Tahoe NF SO in the afternoon. Looks like Caldor may be there before them?
National Incident Management Organization. Oversees large fires and assisting teams with their needs.
CIIMT4 arrived today on the Tahoe Basin Mgt Unit. Mission still unclear at this time.
Any decision made in regards to teams yet?