Personal responsibility

We could selective cut all the acres and masticate behind it all and make everything look like Central Park but the economics would not support it. This stuff has to be able to pay for itself and it used to do exactly this 50 years ago. Not letting the perfect become the enemy of the good. Clear cut patches may suffer unfortunate untimely combustion events but so will it if it is left to grow forever into dog hair and brush and it will be worse then.


I’ll take a hike with ya and stand next to you to support your comments. Well stated.


sign me up!!


Remember the 19th watchout situation is california firefighters because they want to their cell phones instead of the radio and want you to call them. Thats the stupidest thing ive heard someone say today. Just say you don’t have cell service.

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So I agree to an extent. There are something that’s are better via phone such as 215 info, minor injuries that don’t require transport, driving directions etc. However, I absolutely agree that we are becoming too reliant on phones for communication on fires. My biggest issue being that it’s a two way conversation. When things are said on the radio, everyone can hear and it enhances everyone’s SA.


Not a new thing, though. Not much different from the ‘meet me for a face to face’, I think.


With these fires being so large it allows the face to face being done via phone and better optimizing the time of the divisions and branches staying in their respective areas.


Does state parks do everything over the radio?

That vast majority of state park staff communications isn’t allowed over the radio because it has to go through our dispatch centers at all times and they don’t want to hear maintenance talking about an overflowing septic tank or trash can when they have to listen to law enforcement dealing with drownings, traffic accidents, and idiots. We text or call each other. When it gets excessive I remind people that the department doesn’t pay for our phones.


Chuckling, I have that sticker in the back window of my pickup, the one we use to chase and service the water tender. It’s true, Log it, Graze it, or Watch It Burn. H.P.