Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

Believe me, I get it. There is nothing about any of this that gives me the warm fuzzies. All I am asking is that we do our best in a situation where everyone thinks that everything is or should be “Free”


The senate infra bill, which contains ff’er pay, passed the senate last month with bipartisan support. It’s scheduled to be voted on 9/27 in the house.


Former WG and WL 10 here… What agency has a WS 10 Fire dozer operator? Or is that maybe a roads foreman Redcarded to go out?

I’m not a R-5 operator, but to my knowledge many R-5 forests are converting staffing of their fire dozers to a WG-8 Trainee Operator, WG-10 Operator, and WS-10 Senior Operator.

this along with a GS7 swamper is the standard module configuration for R5 dozer modules

The FS has lost a bunch of WG10 operators to Cal Fire in the last few years, Many modules do not have DZIA qualified operators.

My pay incentive came through last pay period, I received $1900.


Did they change the swamper to a GS-7? I know it used to be a 6 spot just two years ago. If so, that would be great!

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So if there is no difference between the Operator and Senior Operator, what’s the use promoting?

New configuration is a 4 person module

Was 2 WG-10s and 1 GS-06with no lead.

What is the difference betwén L & G 10?

As a WG you have 5 steps per grade and max out in about 6 years.

This way operators have a career ladder… or you end up working for Uncle Sam without a raise for about 14-19 years.

It’s roughly $2 per hour from WG-08 to WG-10

and then again roughly $2 per hour from WG to the WL lead position.

You think it’s enough to retain more operators?

It’s a good start I guess.

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Glad to see they’re not getting ignored with everything going on.

I think what it is, is a way to train people. Sort of like an apprenticeship program. As far as retaining people? Why would I do the exact same job for less pay and benefits? I worked for the federal government when Cal Fire wasn’t testing or hiring operators. It was a great job but also the same job. Oh and I now I work less days a month and I spend more time at home.


Or why can’t we just all start charging portal to portal? We basically do already when we’re on 24hr staffing.
What’s the difference in sitting at the station or sitting at camp, either way we’re there available to work and can’t go home.

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Yes. Going to take legislation or a judge to rule that the life limitations placed on firefighters while on assignment require them to stay in pay status. IOW’s outside of legislation and the agency implementing portal to portal pay, it will require grievances and or lawsuits. As best I can tell the last judge to rule on this was on the 1980’s. Lots has changed since then.


Feinstein and a group of Senators send letter to FS and DOI to swiftly implement pay and occupational reforms in the infrastructure bill.

Thanks to:
Senators Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.),
Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.),
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.),
Alex Padilla (D-Calif.),
Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.),
Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and
Michael Bennet (D-Colo.)


Very interesting! Does this mean duty location? Or station?


Something good to read…



It is a good read. Thanks