Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

Or $769 additional dollars every 2 weeks (minus taxes).

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Anyone hear anything new? This is law, they can easily give us the pay raise with a whip of the pen. I know the series thing my take longer, but give our raise. With the price of inflation, our normal pay raise we should be getting, doesn’t even match the rate it is going up. I know talking to a lot of people, they have no confidence in our leadership that they will handle this correctly. Common answer is I’ll believe it when I see it, but it better happen soon, because other opportunities are out there and I can’t just sit around and wait.


Desertrat, did you watch the last monthly update from Grassroots? This is going to take months. Probably series re-classification before raise, then back pay. As stated in the meeting, this is un-chartered territory so we are going to have to be patient. I get it it though, your faith is based on what you’ve seen from the past and that is not a confidence builder. But, I have faith. I’m trying trying to be patient.

But, don’t be idle! Grassrooots has a couple links that you can click to send quick pre made messages to your congress reps in support of Tim’s Act which is the true long term reform we need. We all talk about pressure on our leadership, but how much pressure can your really do at a local level and how much influence does local leadership and even regional leadership have…minimal from what I’ve seen. Put pressure on your congressional reps, we saw the power of that his year. Once the politicians were on board magically the line officers we’re backing us up.

Grassroots Wildand Firefighters Get Involved


I would fully agree with you FSFF. As we all know by now, government works slow, especially federal government. We have made great strides from progress through the avenues that can work for our own self preservation. The best thing we can do now is fight for Tim’s Act by sharing it far and wide. Encourage one another to write to our Congress people.
As far as the text goes in the infrastructure package, they have 180 days from the time it was signed to create the new job classification through OPM and give us our well deserved raise. Including back pay from October 1, 2021 of course.
Keep doing what we have been doing. I know we all have become jaded at one point or another. I have personally experienced the longer someone has been in one of our federal agencies the more doubtful they have become that actual change is on its way. It’s very understandable that the lack of care can create a kind of trauma within us. Keep the chin up and keep the chatter up. Happy holidays out there everyone.


Exactly! Don’t trust the Feds. in D.C. until you see the check. Having the highest inflation in 40 years currently, all the raises and paychecks you receive, if in fact they come, will be spent before they hit your bank. Keep up with the fight but watch your six and don’t trust government until you see the funds in your account. The elected’s in D.C., and locally, love the limelight from announcing they are in full support of public safety, but are always short on delivery. Yes, they use us for their own benefits, not ours, in public safety.


This thread has regressed to resembling Facebook.


Seriously… I just wanna know when I’m gonna be gettin paid.


It’d be nice to get some meaningful updates from national leadership as to how this is going to play out.

We’re extending job offers to 2022 firefighters and I worry some of them will pull back when the reality sets in that existing salaries on their offer letters still won’t pay rent anywhere near the duty station.

Is it crazy talk to ask that the $20,000 bonus is in writing on 2022 offer letters for our lowest paid/most critical personnel. Start with them please.

I’m telling my new hires we’re all cautiously optimistic, but cautious optimism doesn’t cover rent.

And yeah I second keeping the Facebook opinions over on Facebook.


It’s not crazy to ask. They need to come out the gate fast with information in January.


It’s not crazy to ask. But now ask yourself if this is the correct forum? Anonymous people talking to anonymous people?

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Merry Christmas to all our local, state and federal emergency responders and law enforcement officers. Thanks for all you do.

Wishing you, your family and friends a healthy and prosperous 2022.

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It would be a good week for the USDA Forest Service and DOI Office of Wildland Fire to update Wildland Firefighters on the status of the 20k or 50% pay raise. Ask them:



I hope this will apply to us.

No, does not apply to the true Wildland fire agencies. DOD employees are supported by the IAFF, because they can use their unions dues for political contributions. This goes all the way back to the Omibus bill of 2000 when they got their new series and pay rates, but the other federal agencies where left out.


Even when are classification goes through? I would think the IAFF would like some members.

Regarding infra pay increases. Lots of chatter within the forest service about implementation. New ideas on staffing and career related changes, some of them probably rumors, nothing firmed up yet. Work in progress.

From DOI friends, they’re hearing nothing from the Office of Wildand Fire and they seem to think OWF won’t do anything until they see what the forest service does.




So how does this work. We all got our normal pay raise of 2.2 percent, but those who are retired, got over a 5 percent raise on their monthly retirement. Shouldn’t it be even across the board? Seems a little lopsided and a slap in the face by the federal agencies.

Not an expert, however its based on law from decades ago. Pay adjustments for fed retirees and social security recipients is linked to inflation rates or price index’s.


OPM Timeline for Wildland Firefighter Series Review


Just have to say, that it is very disturbing that bureaucrats need a 5 month study period to determine that line people need to be paid properly and fairly. How much of the allocated funding are the same bureaucrats going to spend figuring out something that should already be in motion?