Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

The federal “union” has not actively supported previous wildland firefighter initiatives. Just saying, but I do appreciate the support now!

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When I was a fed I was a supporter of the FWFSA. I eventually left to the state then to LG. I bleed green. I saw how union rep happens at the state and LG level and just how unrepresented the feds were. I never thought it would have taken 25 years after I left until some sort of change would happen. Its certainly not a done deal but change has occurred and its got some major attention. I could not be happier for team green.


Federal unions don’t have the bargaining rights that we see with non fed unions, such as pay and benefits. That belongs to congress and the executive branch. However based the administration in place they can be an effective partner or they can be pushed aside and ignored.

We get to decide if we want an administration that ignores them or partners with them.


And pay and benefits is more important than some social issues. Vote with your mind and not your heart.


Two more co-sponsors

H.R.5631 - Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity Act (117th Congress)
Sponsor: Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2] (Introduced 10/19/2021)

Has changes in:

  • Cosponsors (2 new, 17 total)
    • Cosponsor: 07/05/2022: Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]
    • Cosponsor: 07/05/2022: Rep. Stansbury, Melanie Ann [D-NM-1]

Is your Rep on this list? (Latest in bold)

[Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2]] - He is the sponsor

New Mexico
|Rep. Stansbury, Melanie Ann [D-NM-1] |07/05/2022|

|Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29] |07/05/2022|

|Rep. Harder, Josh [D-CA-10] |06/21/2022|
|Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-20] |06/17/2022|
|Rep. Khanna, Ro [D-CA-17] |03/30/2022|
|Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-18] |11/15/2021|
|Rep. O’Halleran, Tom [D-AZ-1] |11/15/2021|
|Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2] |10/26/2021|
|Rep. Carbajal, Salud O. [D-CA-24]* |10/19/2021|
|Rep. Porter, Katie [D-CA-45]* |10/19/2021|

Washington State
|Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] |05/10/2022|
|Rep. DelBene, Suzan K. [D-WA-1] |05/10/2022|
|Rep. Strickland, Marilyn [D-WA-10] |03/28/2022|
|Rep. Schrier, Kim [D-WA-8] |01/28/2022|

|Rep. Spanberger, Abigail Davis [D-VA-7] |02/28/2022|

|Rep. Bonamici, Suzanne [D-OR-1] |02/08/2022|

|Rep. Cheney, Liz [R-WY-At Large]* |10/19/2021|


Mod Note:

Everybody…It has been said multiple time on this thread to keep the political views out of this discussion. This forum in not the place for expressing your specific political views. This is all about facts and information. If you want or need an outlet for you views, find another platform. It’s that simple.

Posts with political biases will be deleted. Continued and blatant posts with a political bias will cause the poster to be placed on a 30 day suspension.

Are we clear on that?


With all respect to AJ and the mods, this is what always seems to happen on these threads…seems like AJ got a freebie and CDFTC got slapped for a very mild rebuttal.


I agree %100. Seems 1 sided to me. Crazy how hypocritical society is. To not be able to indirectly comment on a political related comment with your own political related view in American saddens me… reminder this comment is not bias and does not reflect my political view.

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Birken…After taking another review of the comments respective to the vote, as well as viewed in the context of your comment, I will say, your point is valid. With that said, two additional comments have been removed in order to put this back into a factual non-politically biased slant.


Was suprised mine stayed. However mine is pointing out the political party numbers supporting this bill. I made no comments further. Im a registered independent for the record.

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Its sad that we cant have civil political discussion without things getting nasty.


@moderators im done. Going on vacation for a few weeks. Down with a ban.


I personally know AJ and agree completely with him. Either it is all or nothing. Maybe we start a separate thread on politics and fire and “let er rip”.
This onion skin thin society has got to change.


There is an old political saying; “All politics are Local”. For decades Federal Wildland Fire Agencies looked down on State and Local Fire Agencies in numerous ways, I lived it in the 80ies and 90ies. Relationships have improved dramatically since then but still have a long way to go. Local Fire Unions outright ignore Federal Fire folks as there is no upside to their members when dollars go to Fed Fire Fighters. No cultural relationship has developed with State and Local Fire groups where they have any reason to push to keep federal compensation at a level where they can attract and retain the talent needed to maintain a healthy employees and organizations. Without local help nothing will change. I have always believed that people should be compensated at a fair and appropriate level and I remained stunned that more folks are not on this page regarding Federal Firefighters.

The current push and progress Federal Wildland Fire fighters are seeing is 100% due to numerous LOCAL Fires! Federal Fire Agencies and personnel have historically failed to make their employee group align or join the general firefighter community, “we are wildland firefighters”. In California CDF now CalFire used to act like a federal agency toward the Locals and look down on us. Only after the CalFire with their Employee Groups joined the family of California Fire Agencies and Employee Groups did they see the significant progress in working conditions and compensation they have enjoyed and earned in the past decade, also becoming an ”all risk” Fire Agency was key. Just one example; now you see local agency personnel on CalFire Teams, unheard of two decades ago, and use of regional LG teams.

The Federal Fire Agencies have had numerous negative high profile fire management issues in the last few years. This very forum has a very one-sided bias, at times outright censorship by deleting without notice to the readers posts with differing views. Criticism of USFS and the other Wildfire Management Agencies is literally not tolerated. Not only are posts deleted, but authors are also banished again without notice to members regarding the post that resulted in the banishment. Yes, there are clearly over the line posts, but again it seems to be more important who posts over the line content than the actual content. I strongly believe this practice on this forum strengthens the divide between Federal Firefighters and the State and Local Folks. I have had posts deleted without notice and band for factual posts! I received multiple messages from members applauding my attempt to bring up issues, but they said they were deleted and banned for the same efforts.

To get Federal Firefighters compensation up to a level that will allow recruitment and retention of the best and brightest, there must be local support! Federal Agencies and Federal Fire Fighters must take a hard look in the merroir regarding their short cummings (we all have them) and begin to build a real professional and personnel relationship with State and Local folks across the board. Federal wildland firefighters need to mix and become part of the greater firefighter community, not their exclusive wildland fire community. The MODS on this very page could help this cultural shift begin. Don’t delete entire posts, delete abhorrent language, reply with why the post is inappropriate and further such posts will result in suspension and post when, why and for how long a member is suspended. This is called transparency, trust and confidence can only grow from transparency even though it is difficult.


I have been trying to have my local government counterparts advocate and support us. In return we support their programs with free training and other things their agencies cant give them. But when comes down to the hard truth, their unions will not support anything for the federal guys. It is a shame that all the unions for LG departments only care money that get from the employees, rather then banding together and fighting for something that is right. I just wonder actually how much theses LG departments make off the federal government and take it willingly, but refuse to stand up and support their federal forestry technicians (as we are called) to get better pay and benefits. I challenge everyone of you LG guys to step up and truly support us and press the issue.


You can all start by asking your local federal rep why their name isnt on this list…



I support the Mods never ending job of keeping politics out of this site. Probably more non fire people read (not post) this site than fire people. It is a fact based site. Stating who supports a bill that is beneficial to firefighters is not equivalent to stating who you hate because they don’t support an unrelated priority of yours. I think giving the option to a poster to edit the removal of the political aspect of a post is worth considering, just not sure of the logistics of it.

Speaking as someone who has worked equal amounts in LG and State gvt I agree with the general gist of what the “rat” posted. LG unions usually have a limited amount of work available to it and generally concentrate that work to improve the lives of it members. That being said, I don’t think it would be too much additional effort for a LG union to issue support to their state and federal partners. I do see it happening more and more so kudos to those that do.

Based upon my very limited info on the federal workforce (mostly through this site), it seems the Fed fire workforce is in a similar position that CalFire was 20+ years ago. Then, L2881 for all its work seemed to concentrate on playing smallball. More than likely due to the lack of support from the membership. The difference in outreach between now and then is night and day. What has allowed that increase is the increased support from the membership ($$). Not sure how our Fed B&S could facilitate this. In addition every correspondence you send your respective representative means something. I’ve written 1 letter and 1 email (I know not enough) to support something that will never impact me. (Note: Use a burner email due to the unrelated crap you start getting).


Totally agree, until you got to the $ off of Fed Fires. That is taken as a you owe big brother. We need to get the face of the Fed Firefighters on the local radar screen.


Kinda funny! I thought my comments were pretty vanilla. It appears I must push a button somewhere, as somebody is OK with post’s skirting the political realm when it’s on a certain side of the aisle, and praise them, yet when an opposite viewpoint is shared, whack on my post. It takes others making comment to finally get all the posts taken down. Either we don’t allow it period, or we do! But, the half allow it approach doesn’t work. Which is why I precisely have done it. I’ve spent 22 yrs. in an elected office so it’s not like I don’t know what I’m talking about, and maybe considered a SME! Just say’in! I can get along with anyone, even the opposite spectrum in viewpoint. Carry on. Cheers!


I didn’t think your post was that bad and I also don’t see a one sided convo either getting erased. I do agree this can get out of hand, so agree with mods to kill it quick.

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