Topic created to discuss movement of units across the state
Any pre position strike teams comming up?
For what?!
All I heard was some scuttle butt in NEU and LNU
Maybe for practice? Lol
Haha, I feel like that’s all we’ve been doing so far is practicing… I get dispatched, and then canceled!
9330C from MVU moving up to cover BDU.
ST9336G from MVU enroute to cover BDU. Immediate need
ST 9240C cover SKU
MMU toned out ST 9420C to cover BEU
ST9420C diverted to the BEU Lake Incident
Strike team from scu to beu for cover 1661 1671 1672 1681 1673 b1611 strike team 9160c
9310C enroute to Lake incident
ST9171C from CZU moving up to cover SHU.
Most likely for the LX pre-positioning.
ANF S/T 1602C Enroute to NOPS Pre-Po.
So, in other news, apart from the great fire activity, finally in SHU, TD1448 has been quite the road warrior today. He was originally dispatched to a small job in LNU along Highway 128 in Yolo County. He arrived there but didn’t unload and was available at scene at approximately the same time the major order came down for the Mountain Fire. He was sent up to Salt Creek for cover and was there less than an hour before being sent to Redding HQ for cover. As far as I know, he is still there.
Heard FKU sent Charlie ST north for the upcoming lightning event. Don’t know the designator.
S/T 9430-C enroute to pre-position in SKU. One other type S/T enroute to North Ops as well as 3 S/T of crews
S/T 935G enroute to pre-position in LMU.