2020 IMT Discussion

Team 10 was pre positioned in Redding after the Trimmer

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The proposed IMT rotation is set before the season and only really applies when things are in a “stable” position. Add COVID mitigation in there and you’ve got a situation that needs to be fluid. If you’ve been on an incident this year you know the logistical challenges being faced to do what’s best for all. 12 just returned from 2 week assignment, Team 10 hadn’t truly taken full command of the Trimmer, 10 is already mobilized and far closer to the TNF than 12 would be so it makes sense to reassign a team that still has 90% of their roll time remaining. Still plenty of time remaining in this season and I imagine IMT’s are all going to be taxed at some point. Let’s not be in a rush to get there. Stay safe


No rush on going out. Just trying to understand the decision making. Thanks again

Just as Firegobbler said, Team 10 was prepositioned in Redding after the Gobbler to pick up anything up north, which they did. Team 11 remained on 2 hour and picked up the Ranch Fire. I hear Team 15 may come back up tomorrow to finish out their regularly scheduled 2 hour.

The schedule does get all out of whack when things are busy, but it’s the starting point. Work forward from there.

15 is supposed to be up now, but they were out so 10 had it. But 10 was out, so 11 had it. 11 went out, so 12 has it. When 15 is back available, they’ll pick up call again with 12 as next up. Supposedly.


15 is committed or just got back (reset maybe).

Prepo or not it looks like 10 was up according to the rotation.

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CA IMT2 Team 12 (Nobles) CA OSC Preposition CA-OSC-000004


And CAIIMT 13 moves to 2hr…


Most of their ops are on the lake fire. Not sure if the got enough for a team! Lol


Anyone know why the IAP’s became “password protected” on the PUBLIC server, even the older ones? That’s a new one for me! I got a question about it today and I did not have an answer!


-Frank C.

Federal teams view the IAP as private and not public information so they tend to not post it on the FTP… But they started that lately with a password protection.


@Smokiebehr It’s definitely a first for me hearing about that! Is that going to be for ALL future IAP’s on the Federal side or do you know? Interesting if they put it to the public server that they’d still password it.


-Frank C.

Got their page at all handy? I can’t find them. Trying to get an update that’s IAP related and NIFC doesn’t have it. Thanks!


-Frank C.

@sarahvain I noticed! What is the Box for IMT5? I know from local radio traffic, I live in Cloverdale and can hear the COMMAND channel clearly, that they’ve been pretty busy.


-Frank C.

I don’t know any of the Box addresses at this point, sorry!

I live in Sonoma County myself!

@sarahvain thanks! I’ve been looking for IMT5 as I know they cover MEU most times if available.


-Frank C.

Unless I missed something, Calfire teams have no time out limitations in policy.


Yes of course. No one can revoke a vacation except the Governor himself. Was not my point

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Didn’t realize that, thanks. :facepunch: They’re back at it at Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Butte.


It’s been this way for 5+ years. What I always say when this topic gets brought up is that the “public” gets to benefit from a tool that is in place for the incident, not for us. We have access by the simple nature the incident needs an efficient data distribution system accessible by every resource on an incident. If the incident had other more efficient means of distributing something, it wouldn’t be on the server. Putting passwords in between that data and the resources would “technically” protect the data, but then how do you get the password to those resources? It kills the efficiency piece, and adds to the complexity of starting a shift, and potential safety issue of not having latest intel on the line. The password spreads faster than the fire (it has to, in order to work), so what good does it do anyway? It’s a best effort at best.

Some argue “but it says right there it’s for public access etc etc.” I say that verbiage is to remind them that we exist and not to put confidential info up.

In short, we are a guest on their system. It’s there for the incident first.


Agreed. I’m lucky to know people within family and friends who share the info with me so that I can keep my immediate family “in the know” along with friends locally. I don’t reveal anything critical but keep “map themes” going.


-Frank C.

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