This is valid. I get it’s for the greater good. Fact is no matter when you retire, the folks still working will earn more than you. Hopefully all have set aside money over the years and not blown through it all on divorces, HD trucks, travel trailers and in general living beyond our earnings. What our job does allow us to do is, do something else after we retire. Work another job or do the things you wanted or never had the time to do. In all reality, the money we earn never pays for the lost time from our families, that’s a deal we made with ourselves.
I know when I leave, I’ll likely have to work another job, as I will be on a fixed income, but hopefully you dumped enough monthly into your deferred comp to offset this, because one thing is true, the system is not set up to help you, it’s set up to make money off of you. Yep that retirement fund is well aware many of us will die before we suck it dry.
Live your career how you want, just know that it ends. Enjoy it and know that many smart and respected people stay where they are because they love thier jobs. Not all of us want to be AC’s. That job is not for us, and many of us don’t want to end our career miserable just trying to get that little extra money. We all have choices, and as you near the end, hopefully that younger version of yourselves had the discipline to see this day coming. Because it happens to us all. The job is eventually over, and you will be just like everyone else. No one will have cared what you did, besides your family, and adjusting to life after fire will be just that, an adjustment… in a variety of ways.
But hey… enjoy it now.