There was no negotiation… Remember it was a memo that came out from calhr with verbiage along the lines of “may” and “can” not “shall and will”.
Your points are well thought out and desirable yet at present because of the contract that we agreed to we really have no say in the matter… we agreed to an open-ended ticket… not an absolute. We will receive whatever is voted or approved by the government side and hope that the local gets to have a say or influence… I wish I could find the damn memo that came out. Remember it was shock n awe as it came out from HR and not the union and then there was a big back pedal the next day… The actual words are important not the translation or the perceived intent, unfortunately. We are at the mercy of what is decided, not negotiated.
Don’t forget in our short vision … our staffing model has not changed or been padded by heartbeats or bodies to offset. Simple math right, we need a “third Platoon” or the personnel for it to make things work. Instead we forced something that will require forcey bear to force even more. Brilliant plan!
Moreover we as small groups vote for c fallers to get a pay differential, and paramedics to get another pay bump, and to have longer mustaches, etc etc etc. How about as the largest department XYZ we have a unified front and we fight for one thing.
Statements put here are my interpretation and not those necessarily of the 2881 or the agency. I appreciate the opportunity to put them out there. I encourage those to do their own research and not be swayed by pomp and circumstance and promises of dollar signs.
That is all…