AB-252 & SB 581 (Fight for Firefighters Act)

Might as well start the thread on this. Both bills will be in regard to transitioning CalFire seasonal FFs to full time year round employees vs 9 month’ers. Similar to the bill that was vetoed last year (most likely on constitutional grounds, but also politics involved). Some of the discussion from legislators this time is to address their “mess up” on the constitutionality. This is in it’s infancy (language has not even been written) but as the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot.

I’ll try and keep this thread updated as the year goes on as to the actual particulars of the bill (the sausage making). The bipartisan group of legislators “hope” to have this bill approved for the governor by the release of the June budget revise.

I wish them good luck…


Got a link to the bill? or can you answer - are they looking to convert the rules regarding TAU hires? or they want to change bluebook funding to perm Firefighter 2 positions instead of temporary by definition FF1?

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I don’t think this is the right route, eliminate the TAU FFI would be.

No legislation has been put on paper yet, so no SB, the AB is just a statement of intent. So nothing is in concrete. They are in the PR phase but initially it looks like they are proposing to create a new classification (which would allows year round employment and fix the constitutionality issue) and all current FF1 would transition into it (FF1.5?). Essentially the current FF1 seasonal classification would disappear (or at least put to sleep to be used later for something else). Some other proposals like year round copter staffing, etc…again they are just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

I’m not up on the rules/definition of TAUs vs seasonal so I’m not sure of the impact.

Personally (when I become director/governor) I think they should keep the staffing for the 2nd engine in 2 station houses as the “seasonal” positions. This would allow units to trial new employees (FFs, FAEs and FCs) before they onboard them as permanent. Sort of retain the benefits of seasonal employees (for both the employee and employer) while ensuring proper coverage year round. Just my opinion and not really germane to this post…


14yr ago there was a policy paper written to
“deep class/declass” ALL the FF (FF1 & FF2) into a new, single class. At the time, the Governor opposed it due “expanding” government (creating new position codes) as he was on record to SHRINK GOVERNMENT.

As it was written, the min standard would be SFT FF1 training (sound familiar) with the only difference between a FF1 & FF2 being permanent status and the FF2 having attended the FFA(present day SFT FF2/FFA)

In 2013 the position paper got all the way to DOLLARS & SENSE phase. A Top Step FF1 with buyout, unemployment $$, rehire training, OT cost as much as a step 3.5 FF2. So the argument went we can save $$ in the long run. But “politics” got involved and the key people in the Dept that moved the idea forward retired. Like all things retirement, the idea and knowledge died.

Fast forward to 2025 snd the 1st estimate is it will cost an additional $175 million on top of the $775 million the 66hr staffing will cost.

Once 66hr is fully hired/trained/implemented. Every single engine stations will have the following
3 FC
3 FF
Every 2 engine station will have the following
6 FC
6 FF
So the year round staffing at the 2 engine stations will be in place for 1 engine year round.


TAU is the official name. A Temporary Authorization hire allows the Department to hire personnel without going through the lengthy Civil Service testing process (not controlled by CalFire) However, the hook is that if you hire someone on a TAU basis, they are restricted to work no longer than 9 out of every 12 months. If you need someone to fill a position longer than 9 months, you’re Supposed to use the Civil Service hiring process. The term “seasonal” still gets used informally, but the official job title is now called Firefighter I. The State also can hire on an LT (limited term) basis or PI (permanent Intermittent) but those job offers can only be made off an existing Civil Service list for a perm class.


Familiar (but not knowledgeable) with both, however a (long) while back my personnel specialist indicated to me that seasonal are not considered TAUs as they have rehire rights where as TAU’s do not. TAU’s have other conditions/requirements that seasonals do not. Maybe things have changed or someone with more inside knowledge could clarify. Either way I think these bills are geared towards creating a new classification and hopefully make the FF1 the entry job vs FAE.


look at their paperwork. FFIs are TAUs with contractual rights granted to them as the result of Union MOU. They also are eligible for retirement, vacation, sickleave, CTB and other perks that TAUs in other bargaining units do not recieve. That doesn’t mean they aren’t hired as TAUs - it just means they get extra stuff


Corresponding senate bill introduced (SB 581).


And for those who are curious Flora is back at it again this year with a pay parity bill (AB1309)
