Carr (Wildfire) SVRD 9:12 AM
IC Wes Gutweiler
7 Engines and 1 Crew are currently assigned to the fire. Additional crews are en route.
The Carr Canyon Road is now closed
Residents in the area should be prepared to evacuate, but no orders are in place at this time.
~5 acres

Carr Fire Update 11:03
Bucket drops with Helicopter 318 have begun with multiple crews on the ground. The fire is creeping and is now at the ridge.
The Carr Canyon Road is now closed to all incoming traffic.
No orders to evacuate
~20 acres
A fire investigator is on the scene.

Carr Fire Update: 11:43 AM
Firefighters have completed an initial line around the perimeter and are beginning mop up procedures. Bucket work will continue to aid firefighting efforts.
The Carr Canyon Road continues to be closed to all incoming traffic.
~20 acres