C-34 Fire outside Campo, CO

State ID: CO
3 letter designator: BAX
Fire name: C34
Start Location: 6.85 Yards from CO/OK
Reported acres: 3,812 acres
Rate of spread: moderate
Report on Conditions: Windy
Structure threat: 1 lost.
Resources: DFPC tender
Radio channels: VFIRE23, DFPC TAC 2
Scanner link:N/A
Webcam link:N/A
Agency Website: www.colorado.gov/DFPC.

It is on the sit report from Friday the 15th (only updated on Fridays this time of year).

  • C34, Baca County. Eight miles south of Campo, CO. Short grass and brush. Minimal fire behavior with smoldering.
    Incident Name: C34
    Unit: CO-BAX
    Size: 3,812 Acres
    Estimated containment: 2/16
    Personnel: 6
    Eng 1
    Strc Lost 1
    $$ CTD 15K
    Origin Own: C&L

Selected quotes from the sit report.

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100% contained as of 2 AM this morning.

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