State ID: CA
3 letter designator: ANF
Fire name: Baldy
Location: 34 14.562, -117 40.812. NW of Mt. Baldy, CA
Reported acres: 20
Rate of spread: moderate
Report on Conditions: AA12 reports 15-20 acres, burning up to the ridge. Potential 200-300 acres.
Structure threat: not currently
Resources: ANF, LAC, AA12, T02, VLAT910
Hazards: little to no access
Radio channels:
Scanner link: Angeles National Forest Fire Net Live Audio Feed
Webcam link: Sunset 1
Johnstone 1
Mt. Wilson East
Agency Website:
ANF requesting LAC REP and 2 T1 Helo’s
The terrain here is pretty ungodly
This will be the Baldy IC.
AA12 and 2 airtankers enroute.
AA12 reports 15-20 acres, burning up to the ridge. Potential 200-300 acres.
Sounds like Dalton IHC is hiking in. Resources still enroute.
Edit: WT 25 E314 E323 at scene
Canceling dozers since it’s in the wilderness.
Is this the baldy that started on the 22nd? CAD shows dispatch on 22nd and no other actions recorded.
Mt. Baldy Rd and station 200.
Mop-up incident?
LAC BC 2 arrived and assuming Baldy AREP, confirmed 15 to 20 acres, hung up on the ridge and being held by aircraft. No structure threat, 100% FRA.
Update: Looking at best access from below will be off Cow Canyon fire road that drops into the East fork San Gabriel Cyn. Absolutely beastly work to access this on the ground.
WEATHER at Baldy Village: 86 F, humidity 16% and winds from the N at 5.
AA requesting Lead and AT;s back to fire
17:10 …AT910 just made 2 drops//??? confirm 910 on 1st drop not sure of who dropped the 2nd one…bottom line 2 drops on head
drone over fire
AA looking for operator…red drone at approx 8000 ft…TFR filed
Helo just dropped a crew off at the top of the fire
Really good helo recon of the fire shared on Twitter by ANF Chief Robert Garcia:
Was great to listen to the rapid interagency response, cooperative-directed effort & see very positive outcome. Damn good work! Tough topography & drying fuels even at this elev.