State ID:CA
3 letter designator:ANF
Fire name:Bichota
Location:Hwy 39 and MM 32.18
Reported acres: 2-3
Rate of spread:mod
Report on Conditions:Multiple trapped civilians, with PT21 taking rescue actions. Reported burn victims with LAC requested for EMS, 2nd alarm started by ANF asking for Strike Teams and additional aircraft.
Structure threat:None
Resources:AA-509 BC-21 CRW-1 CRW-2 DIV-2 DOZ-10 DOZ-12 ED-18 ENG-21 ENG-23 ENG-25 ENG-311 ENG-322 ENG-324 ENG-326 ENG-327 ENG-328 ENG-512 HEL-532 HT-37S PAT-21 PAT-25 WT-222 WT-25
IC reporting fire has spotted across Hwy 39, 5 to 10 acres, rapid rate of spread, moving north. Closing Hwy 39 at El Encanto.
Radio channels: ANF Forest Net, NIFC T-2
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