State ID:CA
3 letter designator:BDU
Fire name:Pitzer
Location:Pitzer Buttes Rd and Power line Road, Lucerne Valley
Reported acres: 12+
Rate of spread:
Report on Conditions:
Structure threat:
Resources: BDU (UOP), BDF, BDC, BLM
Weather: 99’, RH 13, WSW at 14
Radio channels: BDU Local 2 T3, CDF TAC 5 and 8
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website:

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It as least 12 acres per BDF Cad.

Units from BDU, BDC, BDF, BLM CDD are all committed to this incident.

Additionally this has a full aircraft response. AA 52, Lead, AT 73, 100, Helicopter 534, 554

There are structures scattered all throughout the area. The fire is also burning to the SE which is not normal for this side of the San Bernardino Mtns…usually fires come off the mountain towards the desert floor

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Fire has burned through T-73’s retardant line already.

Tanker 911 is enroute off SBD


T911 making multiple split drops.

You’re right about the direction of the spread. However, this may be occurring because the afternoon winds have not kicked in yet. I would be very cautious about a change in direction sometime in the next couple of hours. Heads up guys.

lead plane is setting up tankers to paint some houses that are right on the fires edge.

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75 acres, moderate rate of spread, potential for 1000

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Helicopters are going to Big Bear Lake or the Mitsubishi Plant for water. Good fire to use hoverfills from Hydrants in Lucerne.


Long turn around times

Tanker 73 went to Hemet for Fuel. AA52 handed the fire off to Lead 71 and returned to SBD, not sure why.

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Lead 71 is stating the fire hasn’t cross the railroad tracks but is spreading laterally along them.

AA 310 on scene taking over as ATGS

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2 posts were split to a new topic: CA-BDU-Pitzer??

100 acres per Calfire BDU twitter


119 acres and 50% contained.

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