It was mapped a couple of hours ago at 178k
Watch Duty has it 178,090 Ac.
XSD Has 4 St out and Cal Fire has 3 ST out of the OP Area, plus ST assigned to the Grove fire.
Some of which will most likely be reassigned north after release.
IC asked AA to look in the hwy 32 and Humboldt rd area. AA advised ASM reporting multiple spots, column is laying over in the area and can’t tell if they are across 32. Also sounds like they have established 36 structure group in anticipation of it reaching 36
Observation of the heat signature via satellite continuing to show a steady increase in fireline intensity along the head & right flank. It is very bright like it was all day yesterday.
For sure the fire is punching up into the “zone” of concern…
I’m no math wizard but that’s just about 3800 acres an hour and 65 acres a minute on average! Can someone say DROS…
Wonder what the Dixie was compared to this rate the park is moving at
1 acre a second really puts it into perspective. not to hopefully our family cabin off plum creek se of paynes creek will make it.
Is there a live feed from the news copter today? There was fantastic live video of some impressive fire behavior and even more impressive firefighting along Hwy 32 yesterday afternoon.
Nothing yet. Been watching the radar for their helicopter but haven’t seen it yet today
Edit… Left Sac Executive as I was writing this, over Yuba City now headed that way
Holy cow - look at the Colby Mtn 2 camera - go back 30 minutes. Scary.
Do they have any more resources they have more they can give? I’ve got a buddy that’s been on a oh yes, type three for almost 14 days so they said they’re timed out to be able to go. Started at the lake and now at the Lightning
Rotate the crews.
Very impressive, looking straight down 32 near Div O. I believe.
Getting a good sized pyrocumulus.
FYI, KCRA Copter is up live over the fire.
make a large run on the N/NW side. ic was asking around for any engines Divs could free up for the Tehama zone
Can you post a link for the live feed please.