CA-KRN Cummings

State ID: CA
3 letter designator: KRN
Fire name: Cummings
Location: 30000 Cummings Ct, Stallion Springs
Reported acres: 8
Rate of spread:
Report on Conditions: Burning into Taejon Cyn
Structure threat:
Weather: W37G60 10%
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website:

Structure into grass , 8 acres at this time . Burning into Taejon Cyn.

Winds in Cummings Valley 37 sustained gusts to 60, RH 10%

This fire is in Stallion Springs. The far west end of Cummings Valley.

Sounds like they are making good progress on the wildland, canceling some of the inbound resources. Structure a complete loss.


New start on Hwy 178 in the canyon.

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Any more info on the possible 2nd start?

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Fire name was Thief

Second start was Granite, roadside fire, all aircraft cancelled, Crew 7 remaining on scene for mop up

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