CA-KRN-Lightning June 2022???

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There is a new start


I see a SQF dispatch to Walker Basin but that was hours ago.

It’s south of hwy 58. Since it shows on Bealville2.

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Better view


May be the Hart Fire, 1/4 acre so far

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Sounds like the Hart Fire is holding at the road… holding all aircraft except 408, which is responding from the Thunder


Once again another new start. AA from thunder incident breaking of to take a look. Since engine response until eyes on, then adjust accordingly.

Kern ECC should be ready for the 4th of July with the traffic from this past thunder storm.


Hart: Calling forward progress stopped. Approx. 4 to 5 acres.

E356: was approx. 1/4 acre with roads on both sides not requiring any other resources at this time.


Awesome video of H408 from the night that started this chaos.


via USFS - Final Update: Lightning Fires on Kern River Ranger District

According to fire personnel on the Kern River Ranger District, all fires that resulted from the lightning event last Wednesday, June 22, are now contained, with most remaining in “patrol status” and expected to be declared out in the coming days. A total of 19 fires on state, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and Forest Service lands were discovered in the days that followed, with all cooperators working together to successfully contain, control, and extinguish those threats to neighboring communities and the public lands that surround them. Specific updates for the fires in the Kern River Ranger District are included below.

Baker Fire: The final fire discovered by Helicopter 523 on Friday, June 23, was spotted while inserting firefighters into the Cannell Fire. The fire was a single tree ignited by lightning, accompanied by a 40x50 foot ground fire at its base. Located one mile northwest of Baker Point Lookout, it sits just off the edge of the 2021 Windy Fire burn scar.

Smokejumpers arrived on the scene Friday, and a module from the Fulton Hotshots will staff the fire today with an expectation of declaring it “out” by end of the shift.

Campground Fire: Containment lines were held late last week, with two engines and a crew that implemented mop-up operations. It is located near French Meadow, remains at 3.1 acres, and is in patrol status.

Poison Fire: With one snag tree felled, four Smokejumpers worked on the fire then transitioned to an engine crew for remaining mop-up. The Poison Fire was held at 1/10 acre and has been placed in patrol status.

Cannell Fire: Firefighters from Helicopter 523 continued mop-up operations over the weekend with one remaining hazard tree to attend to. The Cannell Fire totaled 1/10 acre and is now in patrol status.

Rattlesnake Fire: Additional Helicopter 523 firefighters continued mop-up operations over the weekend and placed the 1/10-acre fire into patrol status.

Evans Fire: The 1/10-acre fire has held within its initial footprint and has been declared “out.”

The term “patrol status” refers to the regular monitoring of the immediate and surrounding areas of fires for any burning material or smoke. This takes place until the fire is considered 100% controlled. Aerial support continues to aid in identifying any new starts. The Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management will continue to work cooperatively to send resources to any additional holdover lightning fires that may surface.