CA-KRN/SQF-Borel 2024

State ID: CA
3 letter designator: KRN/SQF
Fire name: Borel
Location: Highway 178 East of Democrat, Kern County
Reported acres: 53,010
Rate of spread: RROS
Report on Conditions:
Structure threat: Structures are threatened and evacuation orders are in effect
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link: ALERTCalifornia - Shirley Peak 1
Agency Website:


An IA thread was never opened for the Borel. Please utilize this new thread for that purpose.


The brb got ordered up earlier according to radio traffic on nifc command channel. Any intel on the arrival time?

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“brb”? What is that?


Prolly means MRB


Most recent update from Team 11


Closest available MRB used lately is in Southern Utah according to my sources.


Borel and Trout showing plenty of heat on GOES. Borel still pushing east and Trout showing heat in the NW. Lake Isabella in the middle.


Inciweb map from todays briefing


Evening update


Pretty sure I seen it with my own eyes, sitting in the parking lot at paradise cove. Not set up yet but it was definitely there


One was set up at Kennedy Meadows last week. Likely the same one just repositioned.


58,198 Acres and 17% contained. per Inciweb @ 0730


I was told it would be at Stine cove.(not confirmed)

10:38 AM

Per Sequoia National Forest -
57,306 Acres and 17% contained

The Borel Fire has slowed its progression due to a change in fuel complexion as vegetation goes from dry grass to green brush as well as mountains, rocky terrain to the east. The southern edge of the fire is north of Walker Basin, where crews constructed handline to hold the fire in its current footprint. In the northern section, crews used both direct and indirect tactics to establish a contingency line off of Kern Canyon Road, holding the fire south of Sandy Dip. On the eastern section of the fire, aerial resources, including helicopters and air tankers, are supporting ground crews in slowing the fires progression near Libel Peak. Firefighters are focusing on protecting structures and establishing containment lines around the most active fire fronts. Today, fire behavior is expected to be moderate with higher humidity and wind gust up to 25 mph on the peaks.

Current Situation: The Borel Fire has burned over 57,306 acres in five days. As fire crews come off the line this morning, others who are rested and ready to battle the fire will replace them. The Borel Fire has burned with extreme intensity and negatively impacted communities. In its aftermath, thorough inspections of all damaged or destroyed structures will be conducted, ensuring every affected home and structure is carefully documented. This compassionate approach will help us make informed decisions for swift and efficient recovery, providing the necessary resources and support to those in need. Ensuring the safety of residents and protecting property remain top priorities. KRN-100-B, 102-B, 419 and 744 have been placed under an Evacuation Warning. Evacuation warnings and orders enhance safety for residents and allow emergency personnel to concentrate on controlling the fire.


Aug 1, 10:00 AM

Morning update from Sequoia National Forest:

The Borel Fire has slowed its progression due to strong firefighting efforts along with changes in vegetation and topography. The southern edge of the fire is north of Walker Basin, where crews are continuing work to protect structures and connect hand and dozer line to hold the fire in its current footprint. In the northern section, firefighters are patrolling the Kern Canyon Road corridor, and have held the fire south of Sandy Dip.

Crews are monitoring and performing mop-up operations along Caliente-Bodfish Road. The fire is most active in the eastern section where aerial resources, including helicopters and air tankers, are supporting ground crews in slowing the fire’s progression near Brown Meadow. Night flying helicopters made water drops throughout most of the night to advance suppression efforts and promote the success of daytime activities. Firefighters continue to focus on protecting structures and establishing containment lines around active fire fronts.

Today’s fire behavior is expected to be moderate with slightly higher humidity. Temperature increases are trending upwards and wind gusts of up to 22 mph are expected on the ridges.


SNF deployed one near the fire line for the copters on the “basin” fire this year.
Reply for the post 3 days ago about MRB’s.


Team 11 operational video update.

Got some weather coming in tomorrow. Sounds like they will be prepared, (as much as can be) for it with the great progress they have been making.


Aug 6, 10:54 AM

Update from Sequoia National Forest:

On the northern portion of the fire crews continue to monitor and patrol. Both air and ground resources continue to work along Sunrise Highway/02 Road area to strengthen containment lines near Bald Peak on the northeastern portion of the fire. Crews will continue to strengthen the containment line along the fire perimeter and will address interior fuels. Firefighting resources will continue to work towards gaining more containment in the area over the next several days.

On the eastern side of the fire, crews continue to improve handline in the south fork of Erskine Creek. On the southern edge of the fire, crews will monitor, patrol, mop up as necessary and work towards suppression repair. Critical infrastructure needs in the affected communities continue to be assessed and repaired to ensure the area is safe from not only fire damage, but all other hazards.

A Local Assistance Center will be opening for those affected by the Borel Fire at the Lake Isabella Senior Center, 6401 Lake Isabella Blvd. Lake Isabella, CA 93240 on August 10th through 13th from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm.

Aug 8, 9:34 AM

Morning update from Sequoia National Forest:

Current Situation: The Borel Fire remains at 59,288 acres with 84% containment. The decrease in acreage was determined after an AR flight over the fire. An “AR flight” in the context of wildfire refers to aerial reconnaissance which is equipped with infrared cameras. The AR flight was able to provide accurate information on the size and shape of the fire, in addition it can detect hotspots and provide data on the fire’s intensity. On the northern side of the fire from Highway 178 to Kern River Canyon Road, crews worked on suppression repair. Some smoke was visible within the fire’s interior in the area. On the northeast/eastern sides of the fire, crews were able to hold the line, work on suppression repair and backhaul excess equipment and trash. On the southern side of the fire, suppression is still taking place on open line and suppression repair work along with backhauling unnecessary equipment and trash.

Borel Fire: Today, firefighters will continue to hold the line where fire is still active and work towards gaining more containment. Crews on all sides of the fire will work on suppression repair, backhaul excess resources from all sides of the fire and collect trash. Critical infrastructure needs in the affected communities continue to be assessed and repaired to ensure the area is safe from not only fire damage, but all other hazards. A cooling trend begins today with temperatures a few degrees cooler than yesterday in the upper 90’s and low 100’s in the lower elevations around the fire and upper 80’s to low 90’s in the higher elevations. Winds will continue out of the west/northwest at 8-14 mph with winds in the late afternoon into the evening up to 26-28mph. Winds should calm around 9pm tonight.

Weather & Air Quality: The warming and drying trend will continue today and will begin cooling Thursday and continue through the weekend. Temperatures will range from 102-106 degrees in the fire area with westerly winds over the fire today 8-12 mph with gusts up to 28 mph tonight.