CA-LAC/VNC-Kenneth ???

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Let’s keep our focus on the immediate situation. Wild unfounded speculation respective to cause or other items does not belong here and will be deleted.

Carry on with facts, please


T122 was circling in the last footage I saw about 15 minutes ago.


AA51 is still on scene, but he’s been the only fixed wing I’ve seen on ADS-B Exchange. It’s dark there now, so I’m guessing the fixed wings are done for now. I dont remember if the 2 Quebec’s are Night-Vision rated/equipped.


Are any fixed wing NVG qualified? I thought it was just copters.

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Also, before it got dark, there was a lot of red marks on the ground. A number of loads have been dropped.


I wouldn’t be surprised if I was wrong, but I have a dim memory of a past fire when I thought there was a fixed wing working at night, and I was shocked. Could be wrong, however. There has been NO nighttime fixed wing night ops in either this or Palisades that I’ve seen so far. They ARE bringing in a Helitanker as I type this, however.


The MAFFS ships are night authorized in certain circumstances, but to my knowledge no other fixed wing are. The CF C130’s may get that capability. I have heard that is still being discussed with no final word


No NVG fixed wing other than than the AA platforms.
I believe the last time it was tried was in CO with a SEAT and it ended with a fatality of the pilot😢


The C130s with the MAFFS units cannot fly at night for fire missions.


Although the MAAFS pilots are trained in night flight as part of their C-130 training, when on fire missions the DOD has not authorized night flying.


So back to the basic statement…fixed wing is not approved for NVG.


Going back to the late 80s in FKU some of the old timers with the auberry volunteer fire department talked about some real late evening tanker drops on the powerhouse fire.


abc7 reports an arson investigation with one person being questioned


Currently there are no Fixed Wing air Tankers qualified to drop in after the sunsets. There is a company in Colorado that had been testing night drops using Air Tractors to make the drop. That didn’t end well. Even with a veteran pilot.
CALFIRE had a policy that Air Tactical s (Air Attacks) can fly at night but must remain above 500ft. Not sure if this policy is still in effect. Never saw it used but did see it only for early ups.


The MAFFS are qualified to drop at night any chemical agent they have qualified including retardant. They needed the qualification to drop chemicals that retard chemical, oil, NBC, agriculture, and fumigation incident. They have recently added retardant to their qualifications. CF helicopters pilots are mostly trained up now, so we just need air attack pilots to get their qualifications. And for FS and CF to ok their operations. Just got off the phone with CA MAFFS crew. What I stated is correct. Ok I’m done.


Fox11 reporting an arrest has been made in relation to the Kenneth Fire.


Kenneth extended frequencies assigned today:
Air Tactics FM: 169.0875
Air/Ground: CDF A/G 13 - 159.450 t192.8
Rotor Vic: 132.775
(was using 119.975 on IA)

Sounds like command is switching from an LAC V channel to VNC Command 2 this morning.

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1/10 0821 Morning Press Conference:
Statement from LAPD
Yesterday at 1632, a 911 caller reported a suspect trying to light a fire in the community of Woodand Hills, and was being detained by residents. Officers responded and took that suspect into custody. Fire investigators were notified and responded. The determination was made that there was not enough probable cause at that time to arrest this person for arson or suspicion of arson charges. The suspect was arrested on a felony probation violation. The investigation is ongoing.