New start in Lower Lake, Lake County. ALERT Wildfire and ALERT Wildfire
Sounds like they have a strike team coming out of MEU, but I heard them being dispatched on LNU East.
2 TO 3 AC in mtz. RROS.
Very east end of clearlake, burning to the SE away from structures in the avenues.
AA has requested 5 Tankers and an additional Copter=1CH out of Napa.
Started IA thread.
This is in the area of a fire, either last year or the year before, that raced right into a trailer park that is just to the south of this fire, and just north of the creek. I saw some thick black smoke at times on the fire cams.
Some air ops for this incident can be heard on: El Dorado County Wildfire Operations Live Audio Feed
Looks like they made quick work of it, 90 & 91 turned back to Ukiah