CA-LNU- Boysen & Shady?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread to start but with all the confusion in LNU there is a lot of chatter among the Glass incident threads. Can we confirm these are two new starts separate from the Glass?

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Boysen appeals to be a branch of the Glass. Shady is separate, for now.


I believe the Boysen is a branch of the glass and Shady is its own.


I assume it will stay this way being there are evacs all the way to Santa Rosa


Boysen is now branch 5

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I think this needs to be re-named to CA-LNU-Shady???

That thread exists.

Sonoma county current evacs

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Hearing chatter about the fire reaching Hwy 12 within the next couple hours. Expecting evacs to increase

Night AA stated 1-2 hours before it could impact Hwy 12 and the Howarth Park area

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Sounds like another start possibly on Diamond Mt Rd. Report was 75 acres in the timber. I believe this is separate from the Boycen fire that became part of the Glass fire. This was traffic from West Ops at approximately 0605 this morning.

Mods please feel free to move this to an appropriate thread if needed as I am not sure if it is being worked or not. Additionally it sounds like the unit is working both the Shady and the Glass as one incident?

Shady is it’s own start. CAL FIRE has not confirmed that it was started as a result of Glass.

Boysen then started shortly thereafter about 1/2 a mile SE of Shady. It is either a spot from Shady or a spot from Glass.

Last night, Boysen and Shady merged to become the Shady Fire.

Therefore we have two fires in the area - Shady and Glass.
Neither have merged.
They are part of the same complex.


Great clarification thanks!

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Actually, it appears that CAL FIRE is now saying they are one incident - Glass Fire now:

“Two additional fires have started overnight and been merged with the Glass Incident. Crews have reported the fire has had short-range spotting with wind driven runs. A red flag waning is in effect through today for strong and gusty offshore winds, low humidity, and dry fuels. The fire has been at a dangerous rate of spread and has expanded into Sonoma County.”


Anyone able to post or pm me a comm plan ? I don’t think there is an IAP at the FTP site yet .

Sounds like CAL FIRE IMT-3 (Incident Commander Billy See) is assigned all three fires to handle as one complex.

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Glass Air Ops
Air FM 167.425
Air/Ground 159.375/192.8 (Calfire Tac 20)
Victor 123.825
Victor/TFR 132.675

What is CMD for West Branch Shady Fire ?

LNU West. 151.460.

In addition to LNU West, keep an ear on CDF CMD 1 151.355. Things might change to there in the next operating period or so…

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