CA-LNU Eagle

State ID: CA
3 letter designator: LNU
Fire name: Eagle
Reported acres: 20
Rate of spread: Moderate
Report on Conditions: moving into heavy brush
Structure threat: None
Resources: 10 Additional Engines, 4 Water Tenders, Multiple Crews
Weather: Wind 3-5 out of the East
Radio channels: LNU East VFire 22 (tac)
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website:

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45 acres, both sides of the road

Buckingham peak camera has it.

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Walker Ridge Rd x Bartlett Springs Rd, 12 miles northeast of Clearlake

State DPA, FRA

50 acres brush, 0% contained, Moderate rate of spread

64 degrees, 30% RH, wind NE @ 6, gusts to 10

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