
State ID: CA
3 letter designator: LNU
Fire name: Leslie
Location: Access off of Pepperwood Preserve Rd
Reported acres: 1
Rate of spread: Slow
Report on Conditions: Under High Tension lines, Slow rate of spread heading north ~ 1 acre
Structure threat: None
Resources: 1410, 1411, 1464, 1480, 1481, 1442, DC71, BC7, 7562, 7592, 6173, Henry1
Radio channels: LNU West, CDF Tac 6
Scanner link:
Webcam link: ALERTWildfire | North Bay
Agency Website:

B1410 just accessed, 2 Acres, 2 small fires (possibly burn piles), Cancelled 1442

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Forward progress stopped and fire contained, 2.2 acres, units committed for 2-3 hours for heavy mop up