New start. SO is working hard to evacuate people.
Heavy spotting and one structure involved
Spotting 1/2 mile out, multiple structures threatened
SO is working on evacuating the Walmart
Scanner - fire and SO traffic
This is actually a Lake County Fire Protection District fire with an assist from LNU resources
Spotting across 21st, fire heading toward the hospital (per Scanner traffic). Gnarly.
Horrible roads. Lots of WUI, yard cars etc., with little to no defensive space.
What state resources are on this
Lots of other hazards including undocumented pharmaceutical labs in that area as well.
All this, plus trailers from the 60’s with veg on roofs.
I feel for anyone responding to this.
I am sure LNU put a full assignment on it.
MEU LG task force enroute
Partial Aircraft lineup: AA140, AT 90, 91 (Ukiah), AT 85, 86 (Sonoma), AT210 (MCC), C601.
I am sure there are other copters assigned, just not seeing or hearing them at the moment
As I said, LNU put a full assignment on it…
XME or MEU? There is a difference.
Column visible from Santa Rosa Fairgrounds.