Sept 9th
CIIMT5 has taken over the northern two of fires of the TGU/MNF complexes, the Elkhorn Fire and Hopkins Fire. They are calling it the Rock Complex. MNF August Complex has everything to the south still.
The line between SHF Rock and MNF August is the Township 25/26 line off Mt. Diablo Meridian. Not sure if that holds to the west into the T4/5S on the Humboldt Meridian as the “Hopkins” is now below that line at Island Mountain on the Eel River.
Team is guessing the Hopkins at 35,000 fires.
Comm plan is a mess with the Hopkins spread to the west. CDF CMD7 will still cover the east side, but as they go west they need to hit both SHF and SRF Forest Nets and ask for assistance if there is an emergency.
Aircraft - Orland Helibase is closing and moving aircraft up to Red Bluff.
ICP will move from Tehama Fairgrounds to the Holiday Inn.
Fire update - no IR flight last night, but ground intel says the “Elkhorn” and “Doe” burned together last night with a successful operation in the old Div YY/ZZ burning off the M22 road. It’s holding, other than a few slops that they were chasing yesterday through the night. A significant slop is down off the Riley Ridge. That’ll be MNF-August and TGU’s problem. To the north, ground intel says they believe Elkhorn and Hopkins burned together. MODIS/VIIRS hits back that up.
Moving to the west, it is in the Island Mountain area off Eel River in the HUU. That change in “vegetation” should really help the fire “chill” out. Northern progression sounds like community of Ruth, south of Ruth Lake. Southern progression is about 3mi north of the Trinity/Mendocino County lines.
(9/11 Rock Complex has become North Zone of August Complex, changed title instead of yet another thread)