State ID:CA
3 letter designator:NOD
Fire name:WHISKEY 1
Location: McDonald peak area near Termo
Reported acres:20+
Rate of spread:Moderate
Report on Conditions: running with a south wind
Structure threat: no
Weather: 10-15 mph sustained
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website:

BLM Camera Fox Mountain shown fire

Helicopter 503, 202, 1KA
Tankers 03, 88, 93, 95, 96, 828, 850, 137, 161

I think this will be the first operational drop for T-137 in California. It made its first operational drop in the USA earlier this week I believe.

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Northops has it at 300 acres 0% contained.

1078 acres


Interesting country. We got chased out on the Fish Fire in 2001? from the erratic winds.

Does Ravendale still have any workable helipads?

6 of them ravendale is the home on helicopter 553

I was on the crew in 2000. I was wondering if the pads got redone? They were in pretty bad shape back then.