Hwy 371 in area of Cahuila casino in Anza
Look at Highpoint North for a visual:
Cameras from various HPWREN related sites (ucsd.edu)
ToroPeak 1
Hwy 371 in area of Cahuila casino in Anza
Look at Highpoint North for a visual:
Cameras from various HPWREN related sites (ucsd.edu)
ToroPeak 1
Aviation lineup: AA112 (HMT), T72 (HMT), T100 (HMT), H106 (HMT)
Air Attack at scene reporting 1 acre potential of 5
Sounded like it was holding at 10 acres, tankers and copter released.
New start just east of the original fire, reporting 1.5 acres medium fuels moderate rate of spread with a structure threat.