100x100 Lightning caused fire. Grizzly Peak. Oakland Hills.
100x100 Lightning caused fire. Grizzly Peak. Oakland Hills.
Grizzly Peak cam has it
Cam targets put it in the area of Wilder Rd. On the south side of Hwy 24
1/2 acres FROS stopped, cancelling incoming units with exception of one engine C-2 for report due to SRA
Someone may be trying to take advantage of situation. There has not been any indication of lightning near Grizzly Peak this evening. Some in the North Bay and Central Valley but NOT anywhere in that vicnity.
Wrong. It showed up on radar. First arriving units reported a strong T-storm overhead.
Tonight is not the night. Please feel free to pm your conversations amongst each other.
Thanks Camo
There are a lot of people here who respect your input. Don’t stop posting and shrug off the naysayers.
Folks: When we say this isn’t the night for traditional commentary, it means, post the best facts that you have at the moment. This promises to be a potentially ugly next couple of days. Please let’s be factual and not take offense if somebody else has an update in the facts. The situation is very fluid and nobody is willfully giving false or incorrect information.
There are several Mods here tonight to ensure that we maintain professional decorum and that the information does not get sidetracked.
Carry on, professionally, please