Confirmed fire south of the 580 in the Altamont pass area.
Sounds like it’s on the Livermore Lab property.
20 acres per aircraft
I thought they had this one on the bag, but looks like it’s got up and moved.
2 additional hand crews and 5 additional engines ordered.
AA ordering 2 additional S-2s and 1 type 1 helicopter
Tanker 82, 83 and the firehawk from Columbia all enroute to this incident
450 acres, right flank not very active, left flank very active. Biggest threat is the fire jumping Corral Hollow road.
Fire has jumped Corral Hollow Road per AA
Sounds like it’s between the creek and Corral Hollow Road, trying to hold it there. Right near Livermore site 300. The spot/slop fire over the road is holding at about an acre.
Site 300 was scheduled to do a bunch of burning to create buffers around it. Not sure they got those burns done yet.
Ordering 1 type 1 air tanker
717 acres per Intel 12
T-16 from PTV will be the type 1.
Trying to catch the fire on a ridge, south of Corral Hollow Road, building a “catchers mitt”.
AA saying that High Tension power lines, I-580(he said I-5, but I think he means I-580) and the community near Tracy boulevard to the west of 580
Ordering 1 additional type 1 helicopter
Requesting 2 strike teams of Alphas for structure protection immediate need.
What is command I can listen to this fire on?
944 acres per Intel 12
Isn’t this area prone to large fast moving fires due to light fuels and high winds? It seems this area has had at least one fast moving fire each year, but they hit a road and peter out. Though if they are evacuating, I’d say it is a bit more than normal.
They were getting good containment on it but it squirted out across the road.
Where can I listen to the radio traffic?