
E. Dunne Ave. on the east side of the bridge, Holiday Lakes and Jackson Oaks are not threatened, 30-40 acres moderate ROS. Strike Teams ordered, will update with designators.

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Ummmm What???

On camera

Park Incident.

Good morning…any updates on resources, what the fire is doing, etc? Thanks to twigpig for starting the IA thread. Also, is someone able to fix this post so it shows up in the Q&A section? Thanks…

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Copter 902 (106) is airborne headed that way

Edit: also a Blackhawk N82BH off Modesto headed that way as well

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Tankers are still working but it’s looking pretty tidy on the cams

Heard a helitanker 1HT out of fresno air terminal dispatched to Salinas for fire.

Up on webcam Holiday Lake;

Issued air frequencies:
Air tactics 30
167.475 A/G

Any IA info to post?

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Fremmont Pk. has it

I count 4 fires

There’s something still burning on the Mt. chual and Holiday Lake cams tonight.
Multi IA local govt. stuff what it looks like. Fireworks brings a night of action.

Some fire is well established showing on the Mt. Chaul cam this morning. East looking into the foothills south of San Jose. Henry Coe state park area would be SRA.

Nothing posted to inciweb nor CalFire.

ParkFire on SCU unit. 100 acers above Anderson lake reservoir. Finley Ridge Rd. East of Morgan Hill city.
Found it on twitter.

There is an IA thread and a Q&A thread already started for this fire, if you guys don’t mind posting in those areas. Thanks.