Looks like a new fire at the far East end of the Otay’s. Not sure it is in the US. Looks to be south of 94 and West of Tecate, just starting an up hill run. Full dispatch just went out. The crosshairs put in the US.
Battalion 3 rolling order 5 additional T3’s and 2 WTs
Looks like 3373 is accessing via a US Border Patrol rd South of 94 and Barrett TTL. It will be tough slow access into this fire.
Also ordered an ALS ambulance to be added.
Fire is running uphill with an access of Barrett TT
10-15 acres Critical rate of spread, looks to go extended.
All units to stage at Barrett Cafe to await assignment. AA confirmed fire is in the US
Per IC…retardant down the left flank. Fire is a few hundred feet from running into a previous burn scar.
Fire is just really not doing much at this point. Might have hit the Border 1154 fire scar from a few years ago.
Well, she skunked around long enough to get something to chew on. Activity is starting to pick up pretty good
45 acres still MROS… Activity has picked up some.
Getting a little sporty now for sure…
Missed the update on acreage but did hear potential is now 250 acres.
IC just requested an additional 5 T3’s
50 plus with Pot of 250.
Heartland sent a type 3 LG strike team, units arriving now.
Fire has crossed Tecate Peak Rd at the top of the ridge
Per OPS fire is 100 acres