CA-STF-June Lightning

Bull-someone was looking but didn’t see any smoke and then someone just returned to quarters from it
Sheering-no radio traffic
Montgomery-no radio traffic
Cherry-controlled per wildcad
Moore -no further radio traffic
Jordan-no further radio traffic
Clavey -Firefighters are responding to a vegetation fire in the area. Helicopter 516 is reporting the fire is 10x20 burning in slash and brush with no active flame and a slow rate of spread per radio traffic. There are light winds and a low potential of 3-5 acres. Ground crews will be making access.
Jack was UTL


Extended freqs assigned for STF Lightning:

Air Tactics FM - 172.350
Air/Ground FM - 170.3875
AM Victor - 135.375


I think we’re just down to Sheering left which had 3 cameras attention today and got me a lot of messages… Lol. Oh, also a couple of copters on their way to FKU noticed and reported it. I can’t hear any radio traffic for it and there’s been no acreage updates. I don’t know how to program either one of my scanners unfortunately. Just haven’t been able to figure it out with the two I have now even though I’ve done others in the past. If I remember I’ll email Ben in the morning.


Best luck to everyone over the holiday.


They have 4 Alpha J (Billings Chinook) on it this evening.
Started June 25…


Using a indirect strategy due to overhead hazards and what not per there Facebook, they had air work it for several days a type 3 team is taking over with additional dozers on order