
State ID:CA
3 letter designator:TGU in the LRA
Fire name:Corning
Location: 1755 Inghram Road, Capay (south of Corning)
Reported acres: 30+
Rate of spread:Rapid
Report on Conditions: rekindle from yesterday’s structure/veg fire. 30 acres now rapid rate of spread, Local govt response with OES 3800C staged a few miles away. Augmented dispatch for 5 addl engines, and 2 tankers and copter.
Structure threat: immediate threat
Webcam link: Cohasset has it

Corning RAWS NNE 18G32 (north of incident)

IC requested full aircraft response and 5 addl engines, but later put the aircraft on hold. Aircraft now cancelled, addl CalFire cover strike team responding committed. Last update unless major change.

HUU Charlie assigned to the incident.