CA-TGU-Elk 2019

State ID:CA
3 letter designator: TGU
Fire name: Elk
Location: Elk Creek area - Road 309 (aircraft orbiting here)
Reported acres: 5 acres
Rate of spread:
Report on Conditions:
Structure threat: not at this time
Resources: high wildland response with MNF engine also
Weather: NNE 10G17 (PGE Diamond Ranch WX, just south of incident)
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam: Cohasset cam

Winds haven’t gotten it yet…

edit: found a forum bug, can’t create a post with the same name as a pevious post/fire, as the same user?

Fire half a mile outside MNF boundary on Rd309. Sounds like MNF independently will start a response outside of the mutual aid engine they sent.

Chico tanker on a load and hold. Hearing MNF think TGU will wrap it up soon.

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Must not have much wind, I am in Orland right now and its blowing but not as bad as earlier

Yeah, the PGE wx station reporting north winds 9G17 is 2.8miles due south of incident at same elevation. This thing could have picked up and ran for a long ways. Great stop by all, at about 10 acres.