New start near Casmalia
Vandenberg SFB and SBC sending full first alarms
This is on DoD property. LPF will be the ordering point.
Gate incident. SRA , north of the casmalia landfill
Gate IC states s/mros in grass into oak woodland 2acres potential 10-15 acres.
Copy. SBC Engine 21 stated it was DoD property. That must have changed.
Yes sir, going with SRA but that could still change.
Initial attack forum started for this incident.
Little shift in wind
Looks like the coastal brush still lagging a bit for readiness unlike the interior of SB county . Nice job by all.
Releasing Tanker 107 and Tanker 137 — definitely some great work put in so far!
Camp SLO has an impact area Rx scheduled for tomorrow. If conditions permit and they go forward, they might want Toro and Cuesta available. If the Vandenberg and SBC crews are good to handle this fire, they might prefer that.
Ya, I don’t think they will be there long if used at all, still a 45 min eta.
Why was this switched from SBC/VAQ to SBC/LPF? It’s nowhere near the LP. Vandenberg, because it’s federal, uses LPF as its ordering point for incidents on base.