CA-YNP- Mather??

Just an FYI for listeners of the YNP lighting fires…
The copters are operating on AG Command 169.900.

I have heard traffic from Crane Flat heli base with copter 5HT, 583 and 551.

Ground contacts on the fires I can’t hear but I can also hear the copters coordinating bucket drops
with the given fire they are working.


This channel continues to be used by copters in the park every day.


any updates in holding these fires within their expectations?

I’ll add YNP fire net to my scan list. If I hear something to update, I shall post it.
The Tiltill from inciweb is at 1,300 acres and is showing on RAMMB/GOES17 satellite and Caltopo.


After monitoring Yosemite today:
Tiltill fire was utilizing copters 5HT, 9CH, 538 and 551 for back haul and bucket drops.
Nothing really to report. They talked to the Tiltill IC but never discussed conditions or
actions on the fire.