KMAN, brought up a good point
“There aren’t more boots,engines,fire stations,crews( IHC increased),CF crews( decrease by 15%) etc out there. Yet fires acreages,ROS, general intensity, and duration of season, has changed, but not the resources trying to mitigate.”
I have not heard much mail stream talk of the topic of the CF crew cuts this year, I think 30+( plus the conversion of Ventura to CCC parole camp) CF’s crews are the backbone of the department, We are definitely feeling it this year!!! CF fires are increasingly understaffed with golfs, which has led to losing lines, trying riskier assignments , or having to go more and more to the bigger box .The thought was to raise the number of bodies on the crews, which has helped as little, went from 12 to 15, basically. I think alot of us would have rather kept the extra crew with fewer fellas on it. I have yet to hear of a realistic plan on CDCR’ part to supply more “orange storm troopers”. AB109, Prob 47 &57 have really hurt CF’s crew numbers.
Just $.02 from a “grumpy crew captain”