CALFIRE FF1 Uniforms

Great news! Just got the call I’ve been waiting for, I’m starting my 1st season on April 12th with CALFIRE. During the short phone call I was told that I needed to purchase my uniforms ASAP. While I know where to go, I am unsure on what I need to purchase. Can anyone help me with this? A 1st year seasonal “shopping list” would be really appreciated. As well, any other items that y’all can recommend would be awesome.

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If you contact 2hot Activewear they have package deals for new firefighters.

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2 Hot Active Wear or Distinctive Recognition.

The unit will supply a few pairs of pants , I am unsure how many Administrative and Tactical they issue but since your suppression you will need more Tactical then Administrative.

Awesome! That’s great news. Usually the uniform places will have package deals and they know what you will need. Expect to pay from $600-$800

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Start with one tac pant, and see what you get from the service center. A long sleeve uniform shirt, at least 10 t shirts. Good socks, boots, pt shoes ans shorts, two sets of toiletries (station and red bag) amd a good attitude. Plan on spending 500-1000 off the bat.

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Please don’t go cheap on boots and socks!


And No…
You should absolutely not use your normal everyday socks
Hiking socks… good ones

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Buy 2 tactical pants (they’ll issue more) 10 t shirts, hat if you want, either class b short or long sleeve, belt, socks, and boots and you should be good.

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Darn tough socks are a good choice

Unit will supply 3 tac and 2 admin

And if you want to go true forestry, go long sleeve. You may be new, but your captain or FAE will appreciate the old school long sleeve look.


Its not just the old school look, for training at most units they require the long sleeve for classroom. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have worn a short sleeve into a classroom, and that was when I worked in the big rock candy mountain down south, everywhere else it was long sleeve or listen from outside.

I always recommend when the new guys go to the uniform store they buy the LS first and if they find out they need to SS later on they can get it then when they have the money.