CALFIRE proposed MOU changes

Inflation is already 12-14% so the 6.5% isn’t even close.

A raise that gives something up isn’t a raise.


Point me in the direction of any other bargaining unit (besides CAHP) who is getting anything near what bu 8 is being offered

If all the other apples are rotten, but ours is only 3/4 rotten, doesn’t mean we have a good apple.

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Just for some reference, a loss of 24 hours from your EDWC is 31.57% of your EDWC pay.

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Do I wish our apple was only 1/4 or 1/2 rotten absolutely. Do I wish that this was a better deal? Yeah 100%. I still want to see more info on this before making a decision.

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This is one way to fix compaction.

That info came from a union rep. I told you they would eat their own to get whatever it is they want

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  1. Effective the first day of the pay period following ratification by both parties, the employer and employee contribution will be decreased by one percent from 4.4 percent to 3.4 percent for OPEB -prefunding of healthcare

You failed to mention that every year that number can either go up .5 percent or go down .5 percent. Basically, after 2 years we could potentially go back up to 4.4 percent. And then keep increasing .5 percent each year until who knows when?? ie. 4 years from now it’s at 5.4 percent. 6 years from now it’s at 6.4 percent and so on. We all know health care costs will continue to rise.
I’d personally would rather keep it at 4.4 percent so we know the state can’t raise it for years to come because we know it wouldn’t stay at 3.4 percent for very long.


At first glance this contract seemed “ok” but the more layers that peel back. My vote is becoming NO. Meaning I do not accept this deal.


So if you vote no what is the benefit? You tell the state that we are happy working the 72hr shift and stay at our current pay…


Well, the direction of the membership was “NO LOSS of compensation”.

Nowhere was it even implied that there would be NO GAIN in compensation either.

The concept of no net increase over a two year contract in the face of 8% inflation when the state is rolling in cash and we have historically high public support as well as the full support of the legislature, CPF, and IAFF is absurd.

Why do you think this agreement had near unanimous support in the legislature?

Because they know how good a deal it is…for the state!

All that nonsense about no takeaways is crazy.

To believe that it’s acceptable for us to give up our EDWC and it’s ok because will be offset by the meager raise for a break even contract is ludicrous.

Then to have so much faith in the “system” that we’re going to get some sort of GSI in 2024 that will make up for it all puts all your trust in CalHR to “do what’s right”.

This contract is asking us to approve terms that aren’t even finalized in hopes things will go our way when we’re at the table next time.

That nonsense about negotiating a 56 hour week during the 66 hour negotiation period?


Why would they agree to that when the agreement is signed for a 66? That doesn’t even make sense.

History has shown time and again that CalHR has no concern for CAL FIRE employees and fights every effort we make to compensate our employees fairly.

Talk to anyone on the bargaining team, they’ll tell you it’s nearly 100% turnover at CalHR each time we go for a new contract. To think they’ll remember the lumps we’ve taken along the way and will take care of us is a fools game.

We deserve a COMPLETE contract with all the terms finalized BEFORE we vote.

No open ended dreams.

Solid terms. Written in ink.

We’ve earned a 56 hour week.

We can’t afford to have no pay increase for 2 years when we already make 59% less than the neighboring departments we work along side and fight fire with every day and those departments are getting 6% A YEAR.

You think attrition is bad now? Wait until this thing runs it’s course.

We can’t afford to keep taking our lumps and hoping things will get better next time.

We’ve been doing that for decades and it’s gotten us nowhere.

Guess what, “next time” is THIS time.

We have to stand up for ourselves and the future of the department. Let’s send this back to be reworked. BU10 has gone 2 years without a contract. I say we do the same if we have to.

The time is now.

Read the details. Do the math. Think for yourself. Don’t be a lemming.

The worst part is that I know so many reading this are actually considering taking my dollar deal.


Ha! That’s great! You get my vote. Thanks for the comic relief!


For as many holes there are in this contract, at least a “no vote” knowing what I have, rather than smoke a mirrors and what ifs. I think the raises now are good, it’s the whole 66 and so many unknowns. Sorry to ruffle your air, but I don’t accept what ifs.


I stand corrected, I looked back at the plan and you a correct it pays 80% of non-industrial injury and 70% of industrial injury. Thank you the info!


Nope. If we vote no, we’re saying this deal doesn’t address the fundamental issues facing this department and, most importantly, the employees.

They’ll have to do better.

Someone early on in this thread said not to take the first offer. This is the perfect example. We need to do better for our people and the future of CAL FIRE.


You make some good points.


From what I’m hearing, IAFF is the only reason we got the 66 offer.

Before the IAFF stepped in to assist, things were in a stalemate at the current 72.

CPF and IAFF have come a long way in their support of 2881. I honestly believe remaining with them is the best course by far.


So do we all.

Thank you.