CALFIRE proposed MOU changes

Interesting timing to say the least…this Public Safety Recognition Payment was agreed to on 6/23/22–over 4 months ago–yet CalHR releases the funds THE SAME DAY the new MOU is ratified. Probably a coincidence, right?

I wonder what would have happened if the new MOU was voted down. The world may never know.

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That was a copy/paste from the email. Didn’t notice the $ was missing!

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I doubt it, have heard it passed by 90%+, which seem a little high, but they have also said Biden recieved more votes than any other president in history. :joy:


Is this for perm employees only ?

The way I read the side letter, if you were employed at all between 1/1/22 and 6/23/22 (the date the side letter was signed), you are eligible.

If you were laid off before 1/1/22 and/or rehired after 6/23/22, you might be out of luck, but maybe someone here can clarify.

Section 2 of the side letter reads:

“2. The eligible BU 8 employee must have been employed by the State on January 1, 2022, and must have remained employed by the State upon the first day of the pay period following ratification.
A. Because of the seasonal nature of firefighting and fire prevention, unit 8 seasonal employees as described in Section 8.1, 8.2, and 8.4 are eligible if the seasonal employee has been employed during a qualifying pay period between January 1, 2022, and the first day of the pay period following ratification of this Side Letter.”


Thank you I believe your correct

So the 1500 “hero pay” hit my account this morning, after Uncle Sam took his share it’s less than 1,000.00

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Are they going in alphabetical order possibly?

Actually, you have to remember that Uncle Sam gave California $25,000 and CalHR passed just $1,500 on to the “heroes”. The remaining $23,500 per employee (times 100,000+ employees) has already been spent on “other priorities”.

When you think of it like that, it’s hard to be mad at Uncle Sam for siphoning a couple hundred bucks, no matter how wrong that seems.

Once again, the thousands of people across many Bargaining Units who put their lives on the line to keep the state running during the pandemic and turned a projected multi-billion dollar deficit into a $100 BILLION surplus get the short end of the stick.

Like with everything passed down from CalHR, just be a good little minion and be happy you got any leftovers at all. Just remember, though…the state really values you as an employee.

It’s been like that for decades…stick around here long enough and you’ll get used to it.


Mine hit yesterday, last name starts with M, maybe by unit? Taxes knocked off almost 500.

I’m a seasonal employee that has been employed since early April, nothing on calconnect for me yet.
Some of my operators received the pay yesterday.

Wait until StepFather Newsome figures out how to get some!

Solid response.

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Honestly, was the union not supposed to? Here is a bill that will bolster your funding and employees. Add to that the Governor, who’s never seen a tax he doesn’t like, took an unexpected position on it. This was the only prop where everyone suddenly voted like a republican.


…and it was the closest vote of all the Propositions.

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I would have thought prior to engaging in the pursuit of this proposition, one would actively seek out the position of the highest politician in the state and act accordingly. Like it or not, his voice carries a lot of weight in this state. His winning the recall election by the margin he did gave him significant political capital. I am a long time supporter of the union but to me this was political malpractice. This has wounded the union politically whether they admit it or not.

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Well, it sure didn’t take long for the state to set the stage for pulling the lever to put implementation of the 66 hour week in jeopardy.

Today, the state announced it is projecting a $25 Billion budget shortfall next year (2023-2024) and $8 to $17 billion the next year (2024-2025).

So glad everyone trusted that CalHR had good intentions and voted yes!

How many times will the membership fall prey to CalHR’s bait and switch?


To many :sheep: people don’t do there own research.


Find solice in that Joe is running in 2024 leaving no room for the gov. He doesn’t need iaff now, so is not going to need the deal(the 56). If he does run, he won’t have iaff’s endorsement that he really wants.

To anyone… Vote for the same knuckleheads expecting a different result? You may not get massive raises with the gop but at least you won’t get the crap taxed out of you to pay for random stuff that the recipients have never paid tax into to support.


The timing is so appropriate. Last summer they touted an almost $100 BILLION surplus. Now, post midterms, projecting a shortfall more than a year out.