NWS 5-Day Precipitation Forecast
Looks like the points of maximum rainfall accumulations have shifted around a bit on the Santa Cruz, upper Los Padres, Angeles and Bernadino ranges. North Bay Area flooding is ongoing.
NWS 5-Day Precipitation Forecast
Looks like the points of maximum rainfall accumulations have shifted around a bit on the Santa Cruz, upper Los Padres, Angeles and Bernadino ranges. North Bay Area flooding is ongoing.
The 8-14 day hazards outlook covering Presidents’ Day weekend is looking fairly similar to last weekend. GEFS also is showing a fairly strong pattern.
Should be interesting to see what develops.
Hate to see it…
I always enjoy a good day of screening GSA looking for tires and building materials
The were only funded for 3 years in the first place starting with the 2022-2023 budget year. Was never planned to go beyond that.
They sure didn’t get a lot of use did they