Crew Discussion and Typing

As this appears to become a blue vs. green comparison, can someone move this to general discussion so as not to overshadow everything else going on?

Thanks in advance…


What’s the hours worked and are they rotating for days off?

Straight 72, yes on rotating days off

Than with that being said minimum staffing is 1/1/12

You can’t compare CalFire crews and fed crews . They follow different guide lines and policies with each calling themselves type I. After working a number of years on a crew I prefer the fed guidelines . They have more quals and additional people which I like.


It is far too early in the process to worry about IHC quals! CF has began the transition to some form or another of FF hand crews. This will be a huge increase to our crews flexibilities and capabilities, and thats all we should focus on. What ever they become typed as, I’m pretty sure CF is going to run business as usual for fires, IA and Campaign. Whatever were typed as, it’s going to be an improvement over a captain and 12 orange stormtroopers!


Nobody seemed to care about additional quals when we showed up in the early season or late season. They were just glad we were there and ready to go to work.


Any update on the status of the CAL FIRE Crews? I’m hearing rumors and only rumors of some camps being closed not only due to budget but COVID as well.

How are units dealing with finding space to house the new type 1 ff crews?

Never a CF crew captain, but some of those FC & “Stormtrooper” crews seemed like human bulldozers, so let’s not bag on them too much. Management will be much easier?/different? with FF’s, production will speak for itself.

Edit: maybe not easier :frowning: for the FC


Lol yes defenitly going to be different. I love my orange stormtroopers, and I’ll keep banging in CF Freeway till they tell me to stop.


Is CalFire adding extra FC’s and FAE’s for these crews or reassigning from other duties?

There are 112 FAE & 30 FC new positions in the FY20/21 budget that are for “Relief issues”. The thought processes being, having relief so people are stuck on duty for weeks at a time like is currently happening with 3 IMT’s being deployed at once

There is still a structural deficiency in the ranks between

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Just want to say nice work San Bernardino County Fire Department.


Owens Valley Crews covering MMU with a Battalion Chief as STCR? Odd

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All the fire centers have BCs assigned to them now and are the dedicated Strike Team leaders. BDU filled this from their fire center to complete it.


9353G is 2 OV crews. OV camp is all inmate. With the continued staffing challenges, especially in FC ranks. Qualified STRC FC are at a premium these days.


That’s correct, thanks.


Ummm…. There are still 9 FC-B’s still assigned at SOME of the CDCR Camps, yet only enough inmates to staff 1-2 crews…. How in the world are we not swimming in surplus FC-B’s. I’m calling Bovine Scat.