Great Fire of 1910

Let’s hope we are not on track for this, but knowing history can prevent repeats


Yah. I’m actually in Montana right now. Sobering.

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I just finished reading “The Big Burn” by Timothy Egan. The current situation has some strong parallels to that 1910 event. Which started the whole “fire bad” suppression train of thought.


I also believe this was the same time as the Great Chicago Fire so it didn’t get much press.

The big Burn started the out by 10am fire suppression rules and where we are today.

The Great Chicago Fire was 10/8/1871.
The same day as the fire at Pestigo WI. Which like this fire burned entire towns and killed hundreds and jumped Green Bay to Michigan .Good read if you can find the books
Chicago Got all the press.
Amazon has book

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